The United States is now more eager to regain the confidence of Asia -Pacific partners. I believe that they will strive to launch a substantial cooperation plan at the summit to prevent the summit from being empty.Among them, the areas that are most likely to discuss should be a recovery after the economic and crown disease epidemic. Whether the two parties will use the opportunity to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in the United States and the Asians to announce the promotion of bilateral relations to comprehensive strategic partners.

The United States -Asianian Special Summit will focus on the United States' India Pacific Strategy on the 12th of next month.The United States is now more urgent to regain the confidence of the Asia -Pacific partner. I believe that it will strive to launch a substantial cooperation plan at the summit to prevent the summit from being empty.Among them, the areas that are most likely to be discussed should be a recovery after the economic and crown disease epidemic. Whether the two parties will use the opportunity to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in the United States and the Asian Domains announced that it has attracted the attention of bilateral relations to comprehensive strategic partners.

The U.S. Indo -Pacific Strategic Report is mentioned in the U.S. Indo -Pacific Strategy Report.

The war of Russia and Ukraine has not stopped, and international public opinion has been occupied, and the agenda of international organizations such as the United Nations and the 20th of the Guto also cannot around Russia and Ukraine.

The coming of the United States -Asianan Special Summit is no exception.However, some countries in Asia rely on Russia's arms reserve, and are unlikely to condemn and sanction Russia with Europe and the United States due to actual considerations.The United States is also very clear about this, so although it will try to urge Asia to change their position, it should not be too tangled.In contrast, the Pacific strategy of India is the most concerned topic for all summits.

The United States released the Indian Pacific Strategic Report in February this year, announcing that more diplomatic and security resources were invested in the Indo -Pacific region.In the report, Ya'an was mentioned in less than 30 times, showing that Yajia'an was a core in the US strategy.The United States will undoubtedly use the summit to fight for the support of the Asian country's strategy.

However, a clear goal of Yintai's strategy is to compete in China. Such a hostile position is also concerned about the Ayanan country.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, pointed out in an interview that the contacts between Chinese and beautiful scholars and officials are often limited to institutions and individuals who are friendly to their own friendly.Differential.

He said: "The United States feels that Southeast Asian countries have a deep alert to China, and China feels that Southeast Asian countries are unbelievable in the United States and even anti -United States. Both countries will exaggerate the negative views of Southeast Asia and always seize the opportunity to win Southeast Asia."

However, Asians, which have close economic and trade relations with China, and have urgently needed to support the United States, have repeatedly stated that they are unwilling to choose a side station.

Lin Weiling, a researcher at the Yasidan Research Center of Yusov Isa Easa, said that as a whole, the United States welcomes the United States to actively participate in regional affairs, but hopes that it is more substantial cooperation.

"Yajia'an cannot accept the rigidity of the US strategy, and believes that it is necessary to curb the rise of China, because this will only exacerbate the competition of China and the United States in this region."

The United States is also conscious of this.The leadership meetings generally symbolize significance than the essence, but Campbell, India Pacific Affairs Coordinator of the National Security Council, clearly stated at a seminar earlier this month that the Washington hopes that the summit can be delivered more than one, but a series of substantial projects., To expand and deepen the relationship between the United States and Asians.

Li Mingjiang pointed out that after all, the summit is not an occasion for the specific operation details of the negotiation, so it is more likely to give a clear direction for the cooperation matters that have been mentioned earlier.This includes the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework proposed by Biden in October last year.

The United States may also use the summit to promote some relatively less sensitive projects.This includes the economic recovery of economic recovery, strengthening economic and trade and maritime security cooperation, climate changes, and promoting personnel exchanges in the outlook of Asianan in the Asia Simpana.

Lin Weiling also speculated that the United States and Asian'an may announce intentionally improving bilateral relations to comprehensive strategic partnerships."Considering the proposal of the United States to become a comprehensive strategic partner, it is essential for the essence of cooperation between the United States and Asians."

At present, only Australia and China are comprehensive strategic partners of Asianan, while the United States is just a strategic partner.

Scholars: Although the relationship between beauty and Asians has no progress, it has not declined sharply

However, whether the United States can persuade the security support and cooperate with the Indian Pacific strategy, the outside world has different opinions.

This summit was twists and turns. It was originally scheduled to be held at the end of March, but due to the unable to cooperate with some countries, the White House even said that "indefinitely" was delayed.Although the summit is now finalized on May 12th and 13th, it is still unable to gather the leaders of the 10 countries in Zia'an.The Philippines and Myanmar have been determined to be absent.Some public opinion believes that this reflects the increasingly slightly influence and importance of the United States in Asia, and it is difficult to promote the Pacific strategy of the United States.

However, the scholars interviewees did not agree.Li Mingjiang pointed out that the United States' attention and participation in the Asia -Pacific past few years did not have a high degree of attention. "Although the relationship between the United States and Asians has no progress, it has not declined sharply."

The absence of the absence of the Philippines and Myanmar is a special case in his opinion and has nothing to do with the influence of the United States."From another perspective, if the United States now invites the Myanmar military government representatives, Myanmar will definitely go. As for the Philippines, Duterte's decision is also reasonable."

Because the Myanmar army launched a coup has not promoted domestic reconciliation and dialogue, the United States learned from the stance of Asia's detailed security and only invited Myanmar -African political representatives to attend the summit.The Burmese government decided to be absent on the grounds that they did not receive their cares.

The Philippine President Duterte was about to end because his term was about to end. He could not make a decision on behalf of the new president.The presidential election of the Philippines will be held on the 9th of next month, which is three days before the summit.

Li Mingjiang pointed out that the participation of the United States is very important to Asia in the field of economy and trade or security, but the United States must also use the opportunity of the summit to establish the Indo -Pacific Strategy discussion and win the support of Asia.

Lin Weiling describes the Special Summit as the best platform for the United States as the powerful and trusted partner in Southeast Asia. To become such a partner, the United States must understand the necessity of maintaining unity and neutrality in the United States.Taking the Indo -Pacific Economic framework as an example, if the economic framework becomes another political actions to curb China's, "the Asian Danian country should be uncomfortable."