(Kiev / Moscow Composite Electric) Russia warns NATO countries led by the United States, constantly providing military aid in Ukraine not only pouring fuel on the fire, but also increasing the risk of nuclear conflicts.The United States convened more than 40 countries to discuss long -term defense support for Ukraine.In order to ease the tension, UN Secretary -General Gutres visited Moscow to start mediation.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov warned Western countries on Monday (April 25) that the risk of nuclear conflicts in Ukraine should not be underestimated.He pointed out that NATO provides weapons for Kiev, which is essentially a war with the agent with Russia.

Lavrov said in an interview with the official Russian TV station that Russia will try to prevent the nuclear war, but the Russian and Ukraine War upgraded to the risk of the Third World War is real."Now the risk is great ... I don't want to artificially increase these risks ... Danger is real. We must not underestimate it."

He pointed out that the West provided advanced weapons to Ukraine to end the conflict, but was extending the war.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Monday that the Russian army destroyed six railway infrastructure in Ukraine with missiles to prevent western defenders from transporting weapons to the Untonton Bas.The Russian army also destroyed the three Wudong arsenal, one in the Donetsk area and two in the Halkov area.

It said that the Russian army attacked more than 90 military targets overnight. At least 500 soldiers died in Ukraine, and dozens of armored vehicles and artillery were destroyed.

The headquarters of southern Ukraine and the Eastern Military Region said that the Ukraine repelled the enemy's five attacks, killed more than 200 people, and destroyed some tanks and armored vehicles.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin told reporters in Poland on Monday that the United States to provide military fire for Ukraine to hope to weaken Russia's military forces for a long time and ensure that it is unable to launch aggression on the outside world.

Austin said: "The Russian army has lost a lot of strength. We hope to see that they are unable to recover their military power quickly. We want to see that Russia is weakened that it can no longer launch a operation like invasion of Ukraine."

The United States summons more than 40 countries to discuss support for Ukraine

The United States convened more than 40 countries to meet at the US Air Force Base in Ramstein, Germany on Tuesday to discuss topics supporting Ukraine.

General Mili, Chairman of the Joint Meeting of the Chief of Staff, said that the focus of the talks is to coordinate the security assistance to Kiev, including providing heavy weapons and armed drones.

He told the media: "The next few weeks is very critical. Ukraine needs to continue support to win on the battlefield. This is the real purpose of this meeting."

Military experts believe that the Russian and Ukraine armed forces will fight the war. Russian personnel and military reserve consume a lot. Although the Ukraine is small, it will get more and more better arms.

Obrain, a strategic research expert in St. Andru University in Scotland, said: "If the Russian army does not change its strategy, it may eventually lose this war."

The British Ministry of Defense evaluated that the Russian army has damaged about 15,000 celebrities, more than 2,000 armored vehicles and more than 60 helicopters and fighters.The British evaluation figures are much less than Uride.The Ukrainian staff headquarters said on the same day that there were as many as 20,900 Russian forces.

After Russia announced that 1,351 officers and soldiers were killed on March 25, a new casualties report was not announced.

UN Secretary -General Gutres arrived in Moscow on Tuesday to stop the Russian and Ukraine War as soon as possible.Getres has talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and will also meet with Russian President Putin.After he passed the sequel to see the Ukrainian President Zessky.

The UN Refugee Agency reported on Tuesday that more than 5 million Ukrainians have fled to neighbors since the outbreak of the war. It is expected that at the end of this year, this number will increase to 8.3 million.