(Geneva Comprehensive) The United Nations warned that humans ignore the risks brought by climate change and increased disasters and are falling into the vortex of self -destruction.

The UNDRR Office (UNDRR) The 2022 Global Evaluation Report released on Tuesday pointed out that in the past 20 years, 350 to 500 medium and large disasters occurred in the world in the past 20 years, which are five times higher than the average of the previous 30 years.

As the climate accelerates the warmth, disasters caused by drought, extreme temperature and floods will also be more and more.The report estimates that by 2030, there may be about 560 disasters in the world, equivalent to 1.5 per day.

However, governments of various countries underestimate the actual impact of disasters on the lives and livelihood of the people.The person in charge of the Disaster Speed Office of the United Nations said: "Scientific evidence clearly shows that compared with the reactions afterwards, the cost of action is low before the disaster causes damage."


Report shows that in the past five years, the number of people who have been affected or died due to increasingly frequent and serious disasters than before; by 2030, there may be 100 million other people in poverty due to disaster.

In the past 10 years, the world has lost 170 billion US dollars (about S $ 233.5 billion) due to various disasters such as floods, droughts, storms, earthquakes, and epidemics each year, and the impact of low and medium -income countries is particularly large.Developing countries have an average of about 1%of the domestic GDP due to disaster losses each year, of which the Asia -Pacific region lost 1.6%of GDP each year; GDP decreases in richest countries is only 0.1%to 0.2%.


Report takes the Philippines as an example that the country was hit by Typhoon "Rey" in December last year, causing about $ 500 million in losses. So far, millions of victims have not returned to their normal life from this disaster.

Muhammad, Executive Deputy Secretary -General of the United Nations, described that humans are going to self -destruction because of ignoring disaster risks.In the statement, she pointed out: "The world must take more actions and incorporate disaster risks into our lives, construction and investment methods."

The Red Cross and the Director of the Red Crescent Climate Climate Center, Van Aldes, said that at present every disaster is generally treated as an individual accident, and countries must stop this approach and establish a help to cope with climate threats.system.

But he pointed out: "Those countries that have the greatest influence have the least resources to respond to the increasing risk of disaster. If we really reduce risks, we must reduce inequality at the same time." Water birds are really beautiful.But the premise is that countries must invest in resources and time to understand and reduce the risks caused by these disasters.

She calls on the international community to provide more support for developing countries with crown disease epidemic, rising debt, and high inflation rates to assist them in strengthening disaster prevention and toughness.