countries around the world continue to expand the arsenal. Last year, total global military expenditure increased by 0.7 %, exceeding $ 2 trillion for the first time.Before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the military reserve was greatly strengthened, prompting Moscow's military expenditure last year to increase by 2.9 %, which is much higher than the world's average.

(Stockholm Composite Electric) Although the crown disease epidemic has hit the economy, countries around the world continue to expand the arsenal. Last year, total global military expenditure increased by 0.7 %, rising for seven consecutive years, and exceeded $ 2 trillion for the first time, reaching $ 2.1 trillion(About S $ 2.9 trillion), a new high.

Russia's domestic GDP (GDP) 4.1 % is much higher than the world's average. It is the fifth highest in global military expenditure, ranking behind the United States, China, India and the United Kingdom.

Senior researcher at the Institute, Dal Sil, pointed out that high oil and natural gas income have caused Russia to increase military spending.He noticed that the Russian military expenditure rose sharply at the end of last year, when the Russian army assembled on the Ukrainian border.

Last year's military expenditure in NATO eight countries reached 2 %

But he said that because Western countries have recently continued to impose sanctions against Russia, it is difficult to predict whether Russia can maintain high military expenditure.

The Russian and Ukraine War made the European situation nervous and prompted many NATO member states to increase military spending, and this increase is expected to continue.Datal pointed out that last year, the military expenditure of eight NATO member states reached 2 % of their respective GDP.

The director of the Institute of Military Consuction and Military Reserve Production Project, Su Dro, said that Europe is already in the trend of military expenditure."Generally, such changes are slow, and there will be real changes until the crisis. I think this is the situation facing now."

In addition, the report pointed out that the United States with the highest global military expenditure, last year's military expenditure decreased by 1.4 % to 800 billion US dollars, but still far exceeds other countries.

According to SIPRI statistics, in the past 10 years, US military research and development expenditures have increased by 24 %, while weapon procurement has fallen by 6.4 %.Although both have declined last year, the decline in R & D is not so obvious, showing that the United States focuses on the "next generation of military technology".

The report also said that the world's second largest military expenditure country is still China. Last year's expenditure was estimated to be US $ 293 billion, an increase of 4.7 %.This is also the 27th consecutive year in China to increase military spending.


report pointed out that China's military expansion has led regional neighbors to increase its military budget.Among them, Japan's military expenditure last year increased by $ 7 billion, an increase of 7.3 %, the highest annual growth in Japan since 1972.

Australia's military spending also increased by 4 % last year to $ 31.8 billion.As for the world's third largest military expenditure, India, India, last year's military expenditure was as high as $ 76.6 billion.Britain is the fourth -highest country in military expenditure. Last year's military expenditure increased by 3 % to $ 68.4 billion.