● Ukrainian war

The United States and its Western allies jointly impose a series of sanctions on Russia and want to force Russia to retreat through isolation.But in two months, some countries have been reluctant to succumb to the West, so Russia has not been completely isolated internationally.

(Paris France New Electric) After Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States and its Western allies jointly committed a series of sanctions against Russia and wanted to force Russia to retreat through isolation.

But in two months, some countries have been reluctant to succumb to the West, so Russia has not been completely isolated internationally.

At the UN General Assembly held on March 2, India and South Africa voted for abstaining votes in Russia's voting from Ukraine.In Latin America, Brazil and Mexico refused to participate in sanctions.

More countries want to maintain their independence during sanctioning Russia's decision -making process

Langzberg, a professor of international relations at the University of London, told AFP: "Although these countries are eager to cooperate closely with the West and even need Western support, more and more countries hope to maintain their own to maintain their own.Independence. "

Chile in India and former South Africa Ambassador Heine added: "It is another thing to condemn Russia's invasion and to mobilize the economic war in Russia.

"South America, Africa and Asia are not ready to cross the border. They don't want to be pushed to a position that violates its own interests, whether it is economic benefits or other interests."

Saudi Arabia and the UAE seem to be the case, they have now avoided their positions on Russia.

India is the same. It contributed to the vote of Russia in the United Nations Security Council in February.

Former Indian Prime Minister Manmo Hanxing's national security consultant Mei Nong explained: "For India, this war forced India to make a severe and unpopular choice between the West and Russia, and it has alreadyDo everything possible to avoid making choices.

"The United States is an indispensable important partner in India's modernization process, but for geopolitics and military reasons, Russia is also an important partner."

From the perspective of former French ambassador Dukelos, this is not a new trend, but it shows a new level in the Ukrainian issue."In the 2015 Syrian crisis and the first Ukrainian crisis, we did not receive the support of India and Brazil. We must ask ourselves: why is this?"

Western powers are working hard to lobby, and have tried inside the G20 (G20).

Rotating Chairman Guo Indianica was urged to exclude Moscow outside the G20 meeting, but Indonesia eventually refused to do it on the grounds of fairness.

Economic sanctions cannot be effective in the short term, and it does not help the Western persuasion and hesitant countries.

Mattley, deputy director of the Institute of International Relations and Strategic Affairs of France, said: "If the goal is to shake Putin and let him withdraw troops from Ukraine, then it must be said that it does not work.

"Of course, Putin has reduced his ambitions, but it is not so much because of sanctions, it is because it is because of the determination of the Anti -Japanese War in Ukraine."

Analysis said that the comprehensive impact of sanctions requires more time to appear.

Russian financial analysts of the Institute of Economic Policy, the Institute of Economic Policy, said: "The Russian economic situation will be clearer in June or July because its economy is still relying on the reserve.Existence, the effectiveness of sanctions cannot be fully demonstrated. "

If the goal is to shake Putin and let him withdraw troops from Ukraine, then it must be said that it does not work.Of course, Putin has reduced his ambitions, but it is not so much because of sanctions, it is because of the determination of the Ukraine ground forces.

-Matley, deputy director of the Institute of French International Relations and Strategic Affairs