(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. inflation rate has risen to a new high of nearly 40 years this year. US Finance Minister Yellen believes that taking measures to reduce US tariffs on Chinese goods is worth considering.Bring the ideal effect.

Yelun said in a Bloomberg news on Friday (April 22) that the government will do its best to reduce inflation. In addition to release strategic oil reserves and formulating measures to solve the supply chain problem, it is worth considering to reduce tariffs.

Yellen answered the tariff question proposed by David Westin, the host of the "Balance of Power" program: "We are re -examining the trade strategy related to China ... This is worth considering.It can solve the problem of inflation, and there will be some ideal results. This is the problem we are researching. "

Consumer price index shows that compared with March 2021, the US price increased by 8.5%in March this year, the highest inflation rate in 40 years.Police investigations show that this is the main factor of the public's dissatisfaction with the Biden government, which makes Biden facing major challenges in promoting the economic agenda.

The study of the Peterson Institute of International Economics last month estimated that a series of tariffs levied by the predecessor Trump's era, including the tariffs on Chinese goods, could reduce the inflation rate by 1.3 percentage points.

Yellen also once again called for major reforms to the International Monetary Fund Organization and World Bank of the World Bank after World War II.She pointed out: "The goals of these institutions are appropriate, but the world has undergone very major changes."

At the same time, Yellen pointed out in an interview with American Consumer News and Business Channel that American inflation may have been topped, but the current prices may remain high for a period of time.