(Geneva / Washington Composite Electricity) UN Human Rights officials said that Russian soldiers were accused of involved in Ukraine, including the execution of civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure, which can constitute the crime of war.

Since the Kailang of Russia, the United Nations has recorded and verified at least 2,345 civilian deaths, and 2,919 people were injured.

Bachelett, a senior commissioner of Human Rights, said on Friday that with the real situation of the actual situation in the fierce battle areas such as Mary Ubol in the city of Uanan City, the actual number will be much higher.

The United Nations has also received more than 70 reports of the Russian military sexual assault, and the victims include children.

Saka Dasanani, a spokesman for the Human Rights Affairs Department, also said: "The Russian army has a densely shot and bombarded population, killing civilians, destroying hospitals, schools, and other civil infrastructure. These actions may constitute the crime of war."

He said that in Bucha Town near Kiev, the United Nations Human Rights Supervisory Regiment recorded 50 civilians killed, including execution."In Bucha Town, almost every resident we encountered in our colleagues said that they had loved ones, neighbors or people who did not know each other. We know that there are still many things to do there to find out.Bucha Town is not an isolated event. "

As for the Ukraine, the Human Rights Supervision Regiment also received a report on the suspected detaing of the Ukraine or the people who fight with them.

Bacheryt said: "Due to the signs of not weakening the war, the parties of the conflict must clearly instruct the combatants to strictly abide by the international humanitarian law and international human rights law."

Gutres will see Putinzerkiski discuss how to achieve a ceasefire

UN Secretary -General Gutres will come forward and mediate directly between Russia and Ukraine.He settled at Moscow to meet with Russian President Putin next Tuesday. After the follow -up journey, he met Ukrainian President Zeelianzki to discuss how to achieve a ceasefire.

Getres's spokesman Jin Yili said at a press conference in New York on Friday: "He (Gutres) hopes to discuss how to bring peace to Ukraine as soon as possible through the meeting."

Gutres has called for four days from Thursday, the ceasefire during the Easter Easter Easter of the East, allowing civilians to evacuate safely from the Ukrainian theater and allow humanitarian assistance to the areas where the battle is fierce.However, this appeal did not respond.

On the other hand, the United States invites 40 allies to attend a meeting held next Tuesday at Ram Stein Air Force Base in western Germany to discuss the long -term security issues of Ukraine.

Kobe, a spokesman for the Pentagon Building, said that there are currently NATO and the National Defense Minister and senior generals in NATO and NATO have accepted the invitation of the Ministry of Defense.

Kobe said that the important purpose of the anti -Minister Austin's hope that the meeting can achieve is to start discussing the long -term defense relationship of Ukraine Lai with like -minded countries."This is actually mainly about the modernization of Ukraine. To ensure that their army maintains combat effectiveness. What is said here is not security guarantee, but their actual military state."