(Morning News) The United States decided to extend the provisions of the Coronatte vaccination certificates at the port of its land and port border.

The New York Times reported that the inbound measures implemented on the border between the United States and Mo and the United States and the Ferry Wharf began in November last year.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security discussed with federal institutions such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and decided to extend this measure.

However, the Ministry of Land and Safety said on Thursday (April 21) that unlike international aviation passengers, international passengers entering the United States from land or ferry terminals will not provide negative certificates for crown disease detection.

According to the US CDC regulations, two weeks after the second dose of Pfizer-Biontech vaccine or Modner vaccine, or two weeks after the maximum vaccine of the single agent, can be regarded as the complete vaccine vaccinationEssence

CDC said that the completion of any kind of coronary vaccine authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) can also be regarded as a crown vaccine vaccination.