(Washington News) According to reports, the United States and European allies are formulating a new long -term strategy for Russia. It is necessary to actively weaken and isolate Russia from multiple levels such as national defense, finance, trade, and international diplomacy.Try to coexist or cooperate with Russia.

The Washington Post reports that the United States and Europe are still amending several important documents and are expected to be announced in the next few months.Among them, the United States Biden government originally scheduled that the first national strategic report proposed last year has not yet been completed. The re -revised content may be significantly different from the previously expected, almost completely focusing on China.

The Pentagon submitted a new defense strategy to Congress in a secret form last month. It listed the "Russia's challenge in Europe" and the threat of China as a priority in a brief summary.

NATO will also propose the first strategic concept document since 2010, but NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg stated at the beginning of the month that NATO has actively sought a meaningful dialogue with Russia in the past. Now this is now available.Non -NATO options.

Europe and the United States stop importing Russian fossil fuel before 2030

The European Union has developed plans to reduce the height of Russia's natural gas by the end of this year by two -thirds, and stop importing all fossil fuels from Russia by 2030.

The Dutch Foreign Minister Hohletra said on the forum of the Washington Strategy and International Research Center last Thursday: "Rather than sanction, it is better to clarify a path to zero to ensure that we no longer rely on Russian natural gas andPetroleum. For some countries, it only takes a few months. For other countries, it may be several years. But the Netherlands and other countries are very serious about this. The same mistakes will never be made. "

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, Western countries have adopted a series of response measures, including announced that they will increase the national defense budget for a long time in the future; Finland and Sweden are expected to apply before the Madrid Summit in JuneNATO; Biden signed a bill to terminate the normal trade relationship with Russia, and compiled the US ban on oil imports in Russia into the codes.

Last week, the UN General Assembly decided to suspend Russia's qualifications of Russia's members of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and the long -breaking Security Council reform movement has gained new impetus.

Most Western leaders have shown that it is difficult to predict how the Ukraine crisis will develop.Former U.S. ambassador to Russia and Vice Secretary -General of NATO said that before knowing how the conflict ended, many proposal changes could not be fixed.

Huayai learned from the public statement of a number of leaders and dialogue with senior officials in the United States and other countries that many of them will be permanently retained.

Biden's national security adviser Sha Liven said in an interview last week: "In the final analysis, what we want to see is a free and independent Ukraine, a weakened and isolated Russia, and a stronger, more integrated, more integrated, more integrated, more integrated, more integrated, more integrated, integratedMore firm West. We believe all these three goals are in front of you. "

Some people question whether these plans are wise and the durability of the West.Huayai pointed out that if the urgency of the Ukraine crisis dissipates, Western allies will inevitably disagreement, such as increasing national defense expenses and anti -diffusion issues must be in contact with Russia.

Bynden visited Warsaw last month, "We must now promise to participate in this struggle for a long time." He summarized this as a struggle between democracy and autocracy."We must maintain unity today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the next few years and decades. This is not easy, there will be a price."