(Sydney Composite Electric) Australian Foreign Minister Payne said concerned about the "lack of transparency" on the draft security agreement reached by the Solomon Islands and China.However, she also shows that Australia will continue to maintain a safe connection with the Solomon Islands.

Payne said in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that the Pacific Island State Forum should discuss the safety agreement proposed by China.She emphasized that the "Pacific Family" is the most suitable form of cooperation in dealing with regional security issues.

According to the bilateral security cooperation framework agreement at the end of last month, China will be able to establish a military existence in the Solomon Islands, which makes Australia, which is less than 2,000 kilometers away from the country.The agreement will also allow the Chinese military to go to the local area while riots in the country.

Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and some Pacific island countries believe that the China Institute's Security Agreement will destroy regional stability.In order to counter China's regional influence, Australia and the United States have strengthened their diplomatic offensive against the Solomon Islands.

Australian officials also visited the capital of the country's capital, Honia La, and asked the country's prime minister Sogovre not to sign a security agreement with China.Sogovre has stated that China will not allow China to build military bases locally.

Payne pointed out that the words of Sogovre are "very important guarantees", but she still expressed concerns about the lack of transparency in the Safety Agreement.When asked about the security agreement officially signed, whether Australia would continue to cooperate with the security of the country, Payne responded: "Yes, this is definitely my point of view, and it is also the view of other Pacific partners." Facing the question of the outside world, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at the end of last month that the safety cooperation of China Institute was based on the principle of equality, mutual benefit and win -win, and conforming to international law and international practice.Essence

Wang Wenbin also emphasized that the Pacific island country is a big stage for international cooperation. It is not the backyard of which country, and it is not a gaming field for the game. Relevant parties should objectively and rationally treat the security cooperation in the China and stop expressing irresponsible remarks.