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(Morning News) The German authorities said on Thursday (April 14) that they successfully prevented a conspiracy of violent attacks and abduction of the Minister of Health and arrested four.Famous members.
Agence France -Presse reported that according to a joint statement issued by German police and prosecutors, the arrested suspect came from the extremely right -wing anti -epidemic restriction organization named "United Patriot"."Attacks and other violence", as well as abduction of well -known figures, including German Health Minister Laitbach.
Lautbach confirmed that he was one of the goals of the above organization and was protected by the police.
Investigators said that the main purpose of the organization was "destroying power supply facilities to cause long -term power outages nationwide ... This is to form a similar civil war and eventually overthrow the democratic system of Germany."Essence
Investigators locked the suspects of five to 55 years old, and arrested four of them during the raid on Wednesday (13th), seized more than 20 firearms, ammunition and nearly 10,0009,000 euros (about S $ 28,000) cash, gold bars and silver coins.