Richard, commander of the United States Strategic Command, pointed out that China ’s first test of the high supersonic glide of the intercontinental ballistic missile launched in July last year was over 100 minutes and flew 40,000 kilometers.This is the longest and longest flight time in any country's land attack weapon system in any country.
(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Strategic Command Commander Richard will be pointed out during the hearing of the House of Representatives Delivery Group Committee on Tuesday that China Strategy and Nuclear arsenal are "expanding at amazing speed", which is a rapid for the United States for the United States.Risk of upgrading.
Charles Richard's pre -prepared testimony posted on the website of the National House of Representatives, said that the high supersonic gliding aircraft launched by intercontinental ballistic missiles for intercontinental ballistic missiles last July last year was a "serious impactStable technical achievements. "
Richard pointed out that the hypersonic aircraft flew for more than 100 minutes and flew 40,000 kilometers.He said that this is the longest distance and the longest flight time in any country in any country.Richard had provided similar observations to the military committee of the House of Representatives last month.
from Beijing and Moscow
Nuclear threats are increasing
He said that every combat plan of the Pentagon and each other capabilities owned by the U.S. military is based on such a assumption; strategic deterrence, especially nuclear deterrence, play a role.He specifically pointed out that threats from Beijing and Moscow are increasing.
He believes that both China and Russia have the ability to upgrade the conflict to any degree of violence at any extent at any time.
Richard pointed out that the U.S. military no longer has "having the risk is always very low, especially during the crisis."He said: "If the strategy or nuclear deterrence failed, the comprehensive deterrence of the Pentagon and any other plans or abilities will not work."
He said that China is investing in high supersonic and targeted weapon technology to achieve global strike and the ability to defeat the missile defense system, anti -satellite, anti -missile and anti -drone.
He said that Beijing has also increased the construction of the Nuclear Missile Base in Western China. Each base has about 120 missile launchers, which allows China to have a "powerful" ballistic missile that can shoot in the United States.
He also said that other progress made in China last year also included large land -based phased array radars and at least one Earth Static satellite that could monitor the launch of ballistic missiles.
As for Russia, it is in the second 10 years of investing a lot of resources to expand its strategy and non -strategic nuclear capabilities.Richard said that according to the nuclear strategy of Russia, "Russia admits that it can first use nuclear weapons, including routine attacks that threaten the country's survival."
Russia has received the first
new TU-160M strategic bomber
Russia received 10 new TU-160M strategic bombers in January last year, which are equipped with the latest NV-70M radar and NK-32-02 engine.
Richard said that this represents "the achievements that have never been since the Cold War", and restarting the TU-160M production line requires the Kremlin and the Russian industrial base.