A British anti -vaccine website claims that coronal virus is made by American company Moderna. This statement was reprinted by many Chinese media and once appeared on Weibo hot search.

Global Network, China Daily and other Chinese media quoted the "British Media" report the day before yesterday (23rd) that coronal virus was made by Modner.A short DNA containing a sequence that matches the patent with Modner in the first three years before the epidemic starts.

Related reports were circulated on the Chinese Internet. "Research and confirming that the new crown virus is made by American companies" once ranked first in Sina Weibo.Many Chinese netizens accepted the statement and expressed their anger for the United States, but some netizens questioned the authenticity of their content and the credibility of its source.

After sorting out, it was found that the earliest source of the news was a paper published on February 21 on the paper in the journal virus.The genetic matching of spiny protein was discovered; this matching gene sequence was consistent with a patent applied for cancer research for Modner; researchers believed that the sequence of the natural synthesis of coronary virusprobability.

The Daily Mail (Daily Mail) on February 23 published a scientist entitled scientists claiming that the coronary virus contains a small piece of DNA, and the patent of Modna in the first three years of the epidemic was applied for a patentThe sequence is matched with an article.

However, the Daily Mail did not conclude that the virus was made by American companies.In his article, the reporter also interviewed two experts who were skeptical of the study.Professor Lawrence Young, a virusist at the University of Winway, acknowledged that the latest discovery was interesting, but said it was not enough to suggest that the laboratory created the virus.Because this sequence can also be found among other creatures, it may also be produced naturally.Simon Clarke, a microbiologist at Readin University, also questioned whether the discovery was as rare as what the research report said.

However, a British anti -vaccine website The Expose quoted the Daily Mail on March 3 to change the title to emergency news: 100%of the biochemical evidence confirmed that Modner made coronary virus.This news was released by a self -media account called "Tao Wen" in China. It was reprinted through many media such as the Global Network, Xinmin Evening News, and China Daily.Virus is made of American companies.

Politifact said that the related articles published by The Expose have been marked as false news and error messages by Facebook.