(Melbourne, Jakarta Comprehensive Electric) Australia and some European and American countries are unwilling to talk with Russia at the same table due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They have caused the Hollow and Thailand of the Twenty Group of Groups and the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization to fall into dilemma.

Australian Prime Minister Morrison accused Russia of invasion of Ukraine at a press conference yesterday as violent and aggressive behavior, destroying international law.Summit.

"I think what I need in the conference room is people who have no invasion of other countries."

Indonesia is the rotating chairman of this year's G20 summit.The Russian ambassador to Indonesia had previously confirmed that Putin has been invited to Indonesia and intends to attend the summit.

Morrison disclosed that he had "directly contacted" with the Indonesian President Zako on the G20 summit.

He said, "Thinking of sitting with Putin, for me, it is a bit too much."

But Morrison is unwilling to further comment on whether Australia will be due toPutin attended the Cup Ge Summit.He said: "We hope that the G20 summit hosted by Indonesia can succeed. We hope to cooperate closely with Indonesia."

G20 summit brings together the world's main economies, including the United States, China, Japan and othersEuropean countries.

Reuters reported on Tuesday that the United States and European allies are evaluating whether Russia should stay in the G20.

A EU source also revealed that Indonesia has been clearly told that Russia's upcoming ministerial meeting is a big problem for European countries.

Bloomberg quoted a familiar person who was unnamed that Indonesia might put pressure on the United States and was worried about the selection of various countries.

The person familiar with the matter also revealed that Indonesian Foreign Minister Reterno has privately paid attention to the United States threatening to implement secondary sanctions on China because Indonesia believes that China stands in a neutral position in Russia and Ukraine.

Although they are unwilling to confirm the above news, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Duku said frankly when he was questioned: "We are really worried that the Russian -Ukraine conflict may transfer the focus of the G20 summit, making it impossible for member statesCooperation. "

It is understood that the discussion of the Indonesian Hope Summit can be limited to the issues of economic, hygiene and climate change.

As for the invitation of Putin, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated yesterday that Indonesia will maintain fairness and invite all member states to attend according to procedures.

"Our position is clear. We have always launched diplomacy based on principles."

Thailand, which will host the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) leaders in November, will also face the sameChallenge.

The Thai National Daily quoted the Thai military intelligence department, the Royal Armed Forces Security Center of Thailand, saying that Russia has included eight APEC members on the blacklist and warned that if the war continues, it will face APEC member statesImplement more sanctions.

Bloomberg pointed out that Thailand would be forced to choose a border station between Russia and the United States and Western countries if the United States and allies resisted the APEC summit on the grounds of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

However, when a spokesman for the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs only said that the preparation of the APEC Leadership Summit was still in the initial stage.Essence