At the beginning of relaxation of epidemic prevention restrictions, it also promoted a plan for the fourth dose of crown disease vaccine for high -risk weak groups.France announced last week that the fourth pins of elderly people over 80 years old will be used to take the fourth pins. Britain will also take the fourth dose vaccine for the inpatients of the nursing home, the people over the age of 75 and the age of 12 or over from the age of 75, and those who have weak immunity over the age of 12 or over.Essence

The British National Health Agency announced yesterday that about 5 million people are expected to start vaccination of the fourth dose.The authorities will issue a notice to the 600,000 people from today, allowing them to make an appointment time to vaccine the fourth dose this week.They are all qualified, that is, people who have been inoculated for at least six months in vaccination.

The British Health Minister Javid urged those who received the notification to act as soon as possible to make an appointment for the fourth dose of crown disease.

He pointed out that the British vaccination plan saved countless lives and built a line of defense that allows the people to learn to coexist with crown diseases."The vaccine vaccination plan has achieved great success. Next, we will provide enhanced agents for elderly people over the age of 75 and weak immunohisties to enhance their ability to resist virus."

British Prime Minister JohnsonLast Saturday, he also said at the Conservative Spring Conference that the government is preparing for the fourth dose of crown disease, because the Britain has this need.

Since the outbreak of the crown disease, Britain has been one of the countries with severe epidemics, and more than 163,000 people have died of crown disease.The coronary strain, Omikon, began to ravage globally at the end of last year, which led to the surge in new cases in the UK again. At present, one person per 20 is diagnosed.The number of people hospitalized due to crown disease has also increased again, but the number of people who must stay in the intensive care unit remains at a low level.

Elderly over 80 years of age in France allows the fourth shot

France, who is equally severe in the epidemic, Prime Minister Caste accepted the Parisian newspaper on the 12thIt is said that in the face of the recent epidemic rebound, the government has allowed the fourth shot to apply for the elderly over 80 years old; the vaccination time of the fourth needle must be separated from the third needle for at least three months.

France began to relax the restrictions on epidemic prevention last week. People went to public places such as restaurants, cinemas, and no longer needed to show the vaccine permit.The authorities have also canceled the regulations for mandatory masks. The public must wear masks when taking public transportation and to medical institutions.

Denmark decided to vaccinate the fourth pins of the crown as early as the beginning of this year, mainly for high -risk people, especially those with severe diseases.However, the European Drug Administration questioned whether it was necessary to vaccinate the fourth shot.

Israel and Chile have also begun to vaccinate the fourth dose vaccine plan, but the latest research on Israel pointed out that the fourth dose vaccine has little effect.