● Ukrainian war

Russian Foreign Minister Rafrov said that when Russia expects the end of Ukraine's "special military operations", the two countries can reach a comprehensive agreement to allow letUkraine maintains a neutral position under security.

(Moscow/Washington Composite Electric) Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov questioned last Saturday that Ukraine did not agree with the clause of peaceful negotiation agreement because of the United States.

Russia and Ukraine have failed to reach an agreement for multiple rounds of peaceful negotiations. Lavrov said that the dialogue between the two sides has improved, but the Ukraine delegation is restrained by the United States; he said that Russia expects the "special military in UkraineAt the end of the action, the two countries can reach a comprehensive agreement, allowing Ukraine to maintain a neutral position under security guarantee.He said that the Russian army adopted a special military action was caused by the cumulative accumulation of the series of Russia's series of actions since the early 1990s.

Russian President Putin talked with Luxembourg Prime Minister Bettel on Saturday to reiterate that the United States could not accept military biological activities in Ukraine.Russia and Ukraine ended the conflict together.

Ukrainian President Zelei Sky released a video last Saturday morning that Ukraine has proposed a peaceful plan, and Russia should conduct a "meaningful and fair talk" as soon as possible.The last chance of damage caused by errors.

The Ukrainian negotiating representative Podoliak said that Ukraine's position remains unchanged, that is, ceasefire, Russia withdrawing troops, and security guarantees with clear plans and strict binding power.

The head of the Russian delegation Mekinsky said that in the negotiations, Russia and Ukraine kept neutrality and non -joining NATO.The negotiations have also made progress, but the two parties still have different stances on the management of Donbass region.

The United States requires Turkey to make Russian missiles in Ukraine

On the other hand, the United States has not formally demanded that Turkey will have its own Russian S-400The air defense missile system was transferred to Ukraine to assist the invasive Russian forces.However, it is generally believed that Türkiye will not promise to do so.

Reuters quoted three sources that US officials made this suggestion to Turkish officials in the past month, but did not make specific or formal requests; US Deputy Secretary of State Sherman visited Ankara earlier this month this monthIt was also mentioned during the period.

The Bayeng government is persuading allies who use Russian military arms to consider transferring these weapons to Ukraine.However, Turkish sources and analysts believe that in view of the technical obstacles of installing and operating the S-400 system in Ukraine, and political concerns such as Russia and other political concerns, Turkey will definitely refuse such requirements.

Russian weapons are a long -term argument between Turkey and the two NATO members of the United States.Since Turkey received the first Russian-made S-400 missile in July 2019, the United States has repeatedly urged Turkey to abandon these weapons, and therefore sanctions on the Turkish National Defense Industry Bureau and the eligibility for canceling the F-35 fighter projects.Turkey said that because the allies did not provide weapons with satisfactory conditions, it was forced to choose the S-400 missile system.

It is reported that the United States wants to take this opportunity to repair the relationship with Turkey.Sources of the two countries said that in recent weeks, the two sides have accelerated the "creativity" method of improving the relationship between tensions.

A source revealed that before Russia invaded Ukraine, he told Turkish President Erdogan that his specific plan was informed.Turkey borders Ukraine and Russia in the Black Sea, and has a good relationship with both countries.After the outbreak of the war, Turkey pointed out that the invasion of Ukraine was unacceptable. It opposed sanctions against Russia and voluntarily served as conflict mediators.

Stana, director of the Institute of Foreign Policy of the American Think Tank, pointed out: "Turkey has been walking on the blade. If the Russian-made S-400 missile is transferred, this will definitely cause Russia's anger.Said, the S-400 missile has become a symbol of Turkey's sovereignty, so it is not entirely a good thing to send it away. "