(Morning News) Comprehensive foreign news reports, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Relics on Saturday (March 19) announced in the Sagaya region of about 30 kilometers south of Cairo in the capital,The tombs that were found to be more than 4,000 years ago were found in good preservation.

Musaha, Secretary -General of the Supreme Cultural Relics Committee of Egypt, said that the newly discovered tombs and cultural relics in the tomb can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian kingdom, and five tombs are engraved with inscriptions.

It is reported that the tomb is a senior official, and there are murals, a sarcophagus and other funerals in the tomb.The archeological team also found the royal award in these tombs, showing that the owner of the tomb was closely related to the royal family.

Muhammad, the head of archeology in Sagaya, said that the preservation of these tombs is very good, and the archeological team will continue to excavate here and further study the discovered tombs.