A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Modi had talks during the meeting of the BRICS leaders.Xi Jinping emphasized that the two sides should start from the overall situation of the two countries to properly handle border issues.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (August 25), in responseForm, make the above response.

The spokesman said that during the meeting of the leaders of the BRICS country, Chinese President Xi Jinping should talk to Indian Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday (23rd).The two sides frankly and in -depth opinions on the current Sino -Indian relations and common concern.

The spokesman said that Xi Jinping emphasized that the improvement of China -India relations is in line with the common interests of the two countries and the two countries, and it is also conducive to the peace and stability and development of the world and regions.The two sides should start from the overall situation of the relationship between the two countries, properly handle border issues, and jointly maintain peace and tranquility in border areas.

According to Bloomberg News on Thursday (24th), Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Modi talked between the BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg.Indian border dispute.

Indian diplomatic secretary Vinay Kwatra said at a briefing held in Johannesburg on Thursday, "Modi raised the issue of border disputes to President Xi, and the two leaders instructed officials to quickly resolve the border to solve the border quicklyContents. "

China and India have long been on how the 3488 kilometers between the two countries delineate the dispute. In May 2020, the border defense forces of the two sides broke out for 40 years of the worst bleeding conflict in 40 years.China -India has deployed thousands of military power on both sides of the border between the two countries, and at least 20 Indian officers and soldiers and some PLA were killed in conflict.During the latest round of military -level talks, the military representatives of the two countries made gradual progress on the confrontation between the border.

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense reported on August 15 that the Chinese and India Army held the 19th round of military -level talks at the Indian side of the Indian side on August 13th to 14th from August 13th to 14th.The two sides launched "positive, in -depth and constructive" communication around the resolution of the western section of the Sino -Indian border.The two sides agreed to maintain a conversation between communication through military and diplomatic channels to solve the remaining problems as soon as possible.During this period, the two sides agreed to maintain the border between China and India.