(Morning News) The United States said that the Russian billionaire Abramovic and the Russian International Airlines (Aeroflot) violated the US sanctions against the United States' invasion of Ukraine in RussiaEssence

Agence France -Presse reported that the United States announced earlier this month that it was banned from manufacturing in the United States or aircraft with 25%of American parts, and entered Russia without authorization.The US Department of Commerce said on Friday (March 18) that several aircraft violated the sanctions.

Among them, a Baybolian private aircraft in the Bayflow G650ER in Roman Abramovich, as well as the Boeing 737 and 777 aircraft used by Russian international airlines.

The U.S. Department of Commerce said that the purpose of sanctions is that these aircraft are grounded. Providing any services for these aircraft, including refueling, will violate US regulations and may face fines and imprisonment.

U.S. Minister of Commerce Raymond in a statement said: "We posted this list to make the world notice -we will not allow Russia and Beros' companies and oligraphy to violate usLaws, please be out of the law. "