Putin live broadcasts nationwide live broadcasting nationwide live broadcast nationwide live broadcast nationwide live broadcast nationwide live.In the rally, there is a legitimate reason for the Russian army to enter Ukraine and say that Russia is achieving their goals step by step."We know what we have to do, how to do, and what price we have to pay. We will definitely complete all our plans."

(Kiev/Moscow Comprehensive Electric) RussiaPresident Putin convened a large rally in Moscow, threatening Russia must be able to achieve all the goals for Ukraine.

The rally held at the Lusoni Stadium in Moscow (March 18) was to show the national support of Ukraine and commemorating the merger of Crimea in 2014. Tens of thousands of people.

Putin said in a rally to the nation's live broadcast that there is a legitimate reason for the Russian army to enter Ukraine and say that Russia is achieving their goals step by step."We know what we have to do, how to do, and what the price we have to pay. We will definitely complete all our plans."

When speaking at Putin, the live broadcast of the National TV station suddenly cut off and broadcast broadcast.The pre -recorded patriotic song show, but the live broadcast soon recovered.The Kremlin later said that this accident was caused by a technical failure of a server.

Putin accused Ukraine for delay in negotiations and put forward more unrealistic requirements

Although Putin showed a tough attitude, he continued to contact with Western European leaders.He spent earlier on Friday with German Chancellor Chous and French President Macron.

When he talked with Shuortz, he accused Ukraine of "doing all kinds of possibilities to delay negotiations and put forward more unrealistic requirements."

Shuortz requires Russia to stop fire to further solve the current crisis through diplomatic efforts.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that such dialogue is still necessary, but because Ukrafe is unwilling to speed up the pace of negotiations, it is still too premature to talk about signing a ceasefire agreement at this stage.

However, in an interview with TV stations on the same day, German Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Habeck, called on International to join forces to weaken or even destroy Putin's power.

The international community's pressure on Russia has also continued to increase.The Baltic Starbone Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and Bulgaria announced a total of 20 Russian diplomats on Friday.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said at a press conference at the State Department on Thursday that American experts are collecting and evaluating potential war crimes in Ukraine."We will ensure that the results of the investigation help the efforts of the international community, and the person who must be responsible for this is held accountable."

The International Court has already at the requirements of multiple member states to target the Russian invasion of multiple member states this month.Whether Ukraine constitutes a investigation of the war.

The EU, the Seventh -way Group (G7) and the World Health Organization also strongly condemned Russia to attack civilians, shameful behaviors, and seriously violated international humanitarianism.

WHO said on Thursday that as many as 43 public health facilities in Ukraine have been determined to be attacked, causing at least 12 people to die, and many people, including medical staff, injured.

United Nations: So far recorded more than 2,000 Ukrainian civilian casualties

The United Nations Human Rights Office in Geneva said that it has recorded more than 2,000 Ukrainian civilian casualties, namely780 people died and 1252 were injured.

The bombing of the Russian army on many large cities in Ukraine continues.Lviv, the largest city in western Ukraine, exploded again on Friday morning.The mayor said that Russia's missile hit the aircraft maintenance plant near the airport, but fortunately, it did not cause casualties.Laviff is only about 70 kilometers away from the Polish border.

Chernihiv in the northeast city, Governor of Cher Nigv said on Friday that 53 civilians died on the same day, including an American citizen.The American relative stated in Facebook that he was killed while lining up to buy bread.In the east, Harkov and Kramatorsk also encountered violent bombing on Friday, causing death and injury.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Wardon Ministry of Defense said at a press conference in Kiev that the Russian army had no progress to surround Kiev, and could only bombard the capital.

A senior official of the US Department of Defense said that more than 1,000 missiles have been launched since the Russian army invaded Ukraine.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, Ukrainian refugees who have escaped from neighbors to avoid war have increased to about 3.2 million, most of them are women and children.There are more than 2 million people in Ukraine.