According to the latest news released by Ukrainian officials, the Russian army has been announcedTemporarily slowed down the crackdown on Bachmart, Wudongzhong Town, so as to reorganize and improve the combat effectiveness of the troops, saying that counterattack operations or began in "one week".

Reuters reported that the Vice Minister of Wuxi Ministry of Defense, Hanna Malia, posted on Saturday (May 27) on the instant messaging platform Telegram that the Russian army continued to attack, but the overall offensive operation has decreasedEssence

She said: "Friday (26th) and Saturday have no positive battles, whether in the city or the wings (the Ukraine station) ...The road. "

Mary believes that the Russian army slows down to" replace and re -assemble troops "to strengthen combat effectiveness.

Russia last Saturday (20th) , Ukraine insisted that Bachmart had not lost, and the Ukraine was still advancing on the side of the wing and still controlled some areas.

Regarding the counterattack operations initiated by the Ukraine plan, the Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Commission Oleksiy Danilov revealed to the British media on Saturday that the counterattack may be on "Sunday (28th), next week, next week"One (29th) or a week" began.

According to the presidential consultant Mykhailo Podolyak, the Ukraine has begun to start preliminary operations such as destroying the Russian supply line or bombing the warehouse.

May 26, central Ukrainian partA medical facility in DNIPRO was hit by a missile facility, causing at least two people to die and dozens of people were injured.(AFP)

Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of Belgorod, southern Russia, said that he was trying to enter Sepaebekino on Saturday.; The town is about 7 kilometers north.

"I couldn't even get out of the car, I couldn't get out of the car, and the shell exploded on the neighboring street ... This week, the Russian warrior launched a cross -border attack on the Ukraine border."