(Morning News) The White House said that the leaders of the United States and Russia are now "certainly not" a summit.

Reuters reported that US President Biden and Russian President Putin had intended to hold a summit this week, but the United States emphasized that Russia could not invade Ukraine.

The White House press secretary Pizaki was asked on Tuesday (February 22) and said: "At present, we must not have this arrangement."

On the same dayAfter meeting with Ukraine Foreign Minister Kurieba in Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Broskerer said that he had canceled talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.Brinken and Rafrov originally scheduled to consult the Ukrainian situation on Thursday.

Brinken said on Tuesday that he promised that the prerequisite for meeting with Lavrov was that Russia did not invade Ukraine. "Now we have seen that they have begun to invade operations, and Russia has stated that the diplomatic channels are fully veto.It doesn't make sense. "

However, Brinken also said," If Moscow has changed ", he will still do everything possible to" avoid even worse situations, so as not to let Ukraine, including its capital, including its capital,Being full attack. "