Wang Wei Wen Chongqing Special Commissioner

[email protected]

Russia recognizes two separate areas in eastern UkraineWhen the independence was upgraded, the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said yesterday that the situation in Ukraine was deteriorating. It was calling on all parties to maintain restraint and resolve differences through dialogue negotiations.

The scholars of the interviewees said that the official latest statement shows that China has no intention of choosing a team on the Ukrainian issue.Cooperation supports Russia.

Scholars believe that China will also use a relatively flexible position to persuade and talk between all parties to avoid the situation from becoming unsatisfactory because the Asia -Europe continent is turbulent and does not meet China's interests.

Opinions on the exchange of foreign ministers in China and the United States

According to the news of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi should appoint with US Secretary of State Brillings yesterdayTelephone, exchange opinions on issues such as Ukraine.

Wang Yi said that China's position on the Ukrainian issue has always been consistent, and the reasonable and safe concerns of any country should be respected, and the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter should also be maintained.China will continue to contact all parties according to the right and wrong of the matter.

The official website of the US State Department also issued a brief statement on the US -China Foreign Diplomacy high -level call again. The State Council spokesman Prince said that Brinken and Wang Yi talked about Russia's aggression on Ukraine and emphasized that Ukraine sovereignty and territory must be safeguardedwhole.

Zhang Jun, a Chinese permanent Representative of the United Nations, urged all parties to maintain restraint at a meeting held by the Security Council yesterday morning to avoid any actions that might exacerbate tensions.

Zhang Jun said that it encouraged all efforts to promote diplomatic solutions, and at the same time called on all parties to continue to carry out dialogue and negotiation.

On the day of the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine, the local Chinese citizens and Chinese -funded enterprises in the local area should not go to the unstable region.

Although Chinese officials have described Sino -Russian relations earlier this month, China -Russia relations are "not capped and constantly climbing new highs."

The WeChat public account "Uncle Ming Tan" posted yesterday that in the current complex global geopolitics, China needs to "stabilize" Russia."The United States avoids prematurely with the United States; China needs to" stabilize "the European Union to prevent the EU from falling too much to the United States.

Su Hao, director of the Strategy and Peace Research Center of the China Institute of Foreign Affairs, said in an interview with the United Morning Post that Ukraine, as a sovereign independent country and a member of the United Nations, was recognized by the international community, including the Wudong region.Wang Yi's speech not only expresses respect for Russia's security, but also recognizes the integrity of Ukrainian territorial sovereignty. It should be maintained and supported within the United Nations framework.

Su Hao analyzed that China does not want the "Pandora Box" that does not respect the integrity of territorial sovereignty.Unity. "

Su Hao said:" In China, this (Ukrainian territorial sovereignty) is also a principle problem ... not only the principle of the international community, but also involves the problem of the future unified process of our country. So at this point, of course, China cannot say that it can accept Russia (recognizes the independence of two separated areas of Wudong). "

Ukraine crisis may help alleviate the attention of the United States and its allies to ChinaAnd targeting; but Su Hao analyzed that China would not take the profit profit because of high tension confrontation in Europe, which is not conducive to regional cooperation proposed to China."China still hopes that the situation in Wudong should not cause breakthroughs, forming an outbreak of a comprehensive war, because this is not a good thing for China."