(Jakarta / Tokyo Reuters) Central Bank President and Minister of Finance of the Central Bank of China Group (G20) warned that the inflation rate rising and geopolitical risks will pose a threat to the fragile global economic recovery.

The Minister of Finance of the G20 and the governor of the Central Bank held a meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia's capital in the past two days. This is the first G20 ministerial meeting held by Indonesia after the G20 round -duty chairman.

Under the shadow of the crown disease epidemic and the tension between Ukraine, the G20 Treasury Secretary and the central bank governor promised to use "all available policy tools to cope with the impact of the crown disease", and at the same time warnedSpace may be "narrower and uneven."

Costing that the central banks of various countries need to take action to ensure stable commodity prices

G20 Treasury Secretary and Central Bank Governor pointed out in the draft of the conference.Inflation is very high, partly because of supply interference, supply and demand mismatch, and rising commodity prices, including energy prices.They call on central banks to take action when necessary to ensure stable prices and continue to work to clearly communicate their respective policy stance.

The draft communiqué did not directly mention the crisis of Ukraine and the Russian border. It only stated that the G20 will continue to monitor risks, "including (currently) risks caused by geopolitical tensions."

Although the global economy has gradually recovered from the crown disease epidemic, the steps of recovery in various countries have different steps, resulting in complicated policy paths of central banks in various countries.The Fed is expected to raise interest rates steadily, which has attracted the attention of potential influence on emerging markets.

Although the number of cases of Omikon Rongye's strain, the number of cases of coronary disease has begun to decline in many rich countries, but in many developing countries, including the G20 round -value chairman, Indonesia, the number of cases of Omiko has continued to riseEssenceThe G20 financial leaders are expected to continue to call for support for low -income countries to ensure that these countries can timely obtain vaccine, therapeutic agents, diagnostic agents and other medical supplies.