In order to gain advantages in the competitive electric vehicle market, Chinese electric vehicle companies have thrown high rents to open stores in luxury malls.

According to Bloomberg report, real estate service providers have measured the joint data that more than half of Shanghai's shopping malls have at least one electric vehicle display store, and there are more in the plan.The company said in a recent report that this is currently part of the "standard" of large and medium -sized urban shopping malls.

Dozens of electric vehicle companies, which are at different stages of development, are scrambling to get a share in the world's largest electric vehicle market.Car companies, these companies have grabbed the beach to malls to enhance their image as a high -quality product in the middle class and distinguish them with other mature car companies.According to the NC, the rent of a 200-300 square meter display store in a large -scale city in China is approximately $ 1 million (S $ 13.458 million) a year.

Zino Helmlinger, East China Retail, the real estate company CBRE GLOBAL Inc., analyzed that these companies pay high rent because they want to be seen; in China, many electric car brands are still competing for one.A very small market share, and a new car is released every 2 to 3 months, which is crazy.

Electric vehicle manufacturers have also brought gospel to the owner of the shopping mall, because with the traditional sales categories of the mall, to clothing, shoes and electronic products, etc.The shopping mall is looking for new tenants.Electric vehicle companies usually want to rent a shopping mall until they are usually the most expensive places to attract past shoppers, while also easy to display cars and test drives.

Vivian Zhu, the retail director of Shanghai Lougang, believes that the target consumer groups of electric vehicles and high -end real estate developers have a overlapping part.It is a potential buyer of Tesla or Weilai Automobile.

As consumers accept the decline in the cost of new energy vehicles and electric vehicles, it is expected that the demand for electric vehicles in the world's largest automotive market in the world will increase significantly in the next few years.The research company Canalys predicts in the report last month that China's electric vehicle sales may increase by more than 50%in 2021.