(Washington Composite Electric) The Bayeng government in the United States told Congress that the United States has not had enough funds to fight against future coronary viruses, reserve vaccines or new technologies.

The US Health and Public Service Department documents obtained by Bloomberg show that it is used to cope with the epidemic situation, including the funds of testing, vaccine distribution and other medical supplies, either to be used up or designated.

Bynden won the Congress to pass the Congress of 1.9 trillion US dollars (approximately S $ 2.56 trillion) to the anti -epidemic rescue bill after taking office, but the government officials of the informed government revealed that it was used to fight against Omikon RongThe funds are almost used.

According to another government official, if Congress does not quickly provide additional funds, the United States will be caught off guard again when another variant strain comes.

It is not recommended to vaccinate the fourth dose of vaccine

On the other hand, although the latest data shows that the effectiveness of the additional vaccine addition agent will be inocularAfter a month weakened, the Biden government did not intend to propose to inoculate the fourth dose vaccine in the short term.

Macs, director of the Biological Products Evaluation and Research Center of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pointed out that there is no sufficient data proved at present, and the fourth dose vaccine has significant benefits.

The United States Chief Infectious Disease Expert, Guchi, pointed out that vaccine addition agents can still effectively prevent severe illnesses and death, and believe that only seniors and people with low immune function need to be vaccinated for the fourth dose.

The research released by the American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) found that the effectiveness of the crown vaccine for the prevention of hospitalization was 91%within two months after vaccination.After four months, it was reduced to 78%.

Fudi said: "Many people ask me if I should vaccinate the fourth dose of vaccine. My answer is that the existing data shows that the protection effect is still very high, 78%is high efficiency."