The Executive Vice President and Secretary -General of the China Strategic Culture Promotion Association, and Major General Luo Yuan responded to China ’s question of high military expenses.It is to attack and invade others.

Luo Au published an article entitled that China ’s military expenditure exceeded 20 billion US dollars in the Global Times of China.In response to the problem of high military expenses for Western media in the Western media, Luo Yuan responded toughly: "Can you manage it?" And asked now that there are food and drink at home, deposits, and a few "dog sticks".Come to defend the fruit, why not?

Luo Yuan also questioned why as long as China held the "two sessions", Western countries took China's military expenses?The United States has increased military expenditure itself. Its military expenditure budget this year reached US $ 740.5 billion (S $ 997.6 billion). China's military expenditure budget was only $ 209 billion, only 28.2%of the US military expenditure.Even if you don't look at the total amount, but only look at the growth rate, the US growth is higher than China.From the perspective of the per capita level, each American has to bear $ 2257 military expenses in 2021, while China's per capita military expenditure is only more than $ 130.

Luo Yuan emphasized that the increase in US expenses in the United States is to attack and invade others, and China ’s increase in military expenses is to protect itself.From this perspective, in order to maintain the strategic balance of the country and the peace of the world, China ’s increase in military expenses should be supported by more people from all over the world, because the higher the military expenses in China, the higher the security factor of the world.

Luo aid analysis said that the West is not staring at the specific amount of Chinese military expenses. They are afraid that the specific amount of Chinese military expenses is weapon and equipment, and it has become a combat effectiveness.Because in addition to curbing China's independent innovation capabilities in science and technology, and competing for the next generation of China in education, there is also a more important "curb" direction, which is to curb the improvement of China's self -defense capabilities in military.

Luo Yuan said that historical experience and lessons explain that backwardness will be beaten.A weak nation, a country with abolition of national defense, is impossible to rise, and the rise must pick up the "dog stick", and you must pick up the "dog sticks" that make all the wolves and ghosts daunting.Such a "dog stick" must be first -class.Everyone knows that it takes a lot of investment to get a first -class "dog stick".China also wants to use these money to improve the material living conditions of the people, but the wolf and ghosts are not allowed. They always make trouble at the doorstep of the Chinese people, and always remember to "dispel" the Chinese's home.In desperation, he had to forge a first -class guy Shier.

Luo Yuan also said that there is nothing to hide, and the army is an important part of the national machine.Which country must maintain the normal operation of a army, and some army will send military barriers to solve the worries of soldiers and families.The Chinese army is facing special threats, so this army must be able to fight, win the war, and can dispel the enemy to dare not fight.

Luo Yuan said at the end of the article that it is possible to reduce China's military expenses, provided that the United States has disbanded the military alliance against China in the Asia -Pacific region, the United States cancels its support for the "Taiwan independence" division forces, cancels Taiwan's military sales, etc. Otherwise"There is no door."