Yang Rongwen believes that Ya'an can exert peer pressure to the military government through internal operations, asking the military to specifically explain how to repay politics and strictly abide by the commitment to hold the election one year later.

If Western countries forcibly interfere with the situation of Myanmar and overthrow the current military government, Myanmar may become the next turbulent Libyan or Iraq in the next five to 10 years, causing disasters to the region and the international community.

Yang Rongwen, former foreign minister in my country, pointed out that although the military is part of the problem of the problem itself, it is also a solution.He believes that Ya'an can play a key role at this time, and apply peer pressure to the military government through internal operations, asking the military to specifically explain how to repay politics to the people, and strictly abide by the commitment to hold a general election one year later.

Yale -Singapore National University College held a semi -entity and half -line symposium last night (March 10) to invite Yang Rongwen, which is currently a senior consultant of Hong Kong Kerry Group, talked about the situation at home and abroad, including Myanmar's political situation.

Yang Rongwen and Yale -Huang Jinhao, a professor of Social Sciences, who hosted the event, described it at a time that this coup was a major frustration for Myanmar that opened the process of democratization 10 years ago.He said that although the behavior of the Burmese military and police force against the demonstrators of anti -government changes is notelly, the end of the chaos is by no means forcibly overthrowing military power, because this may cause the background of Myanmar to walk on Iraq or Libya.Armed section.

"If you exclude the military, the current response of Myanmar society is definitely happy and excited. But after five or 10 years? I think Myanmar is likely to be the next Libya or IraqThe surrounding neighbors include China, India, Bangladesh and Asians.

Although many Western countries such as the United States and the European Union are prepared or have mobilized economic sanctions on the Myanmar military government, Yang Rongwen believes that as long as Myanmar's neighbors, including Asian, China, India, Bangladesh?It will play a decisive role."And we will not condemn them."

He also mentioned that when Western countries have been looking back with Weng Shanshu, the former government leader of Myanmar's elected government for the Rohingya issue in recent years, the influence of Western society can exert its influence in Myanmar's political situation.

Yang Rongwen pointed out that from his time he used to be a foreign minister, from the experience of negotiating with other Southeast Asian countries and the Myanmar military government, "peer pressure can be very effective in Asia in Asia."He pointed out that Ya'an never reached a collective decision through voting, because this may make some member states lose face and raise hostility.However, Yajia'an was able to play the pressure of peers, collectively put pressure on the military government, and demand how to repay politics to the people and re -elected.

"The Myanmar military never gives the right easily, even if it is willing to do this, it may not be a good thing. Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable the process is, how difficult it is, all parties always need to compromise and reach a balance of power."

In addition to in -depth analysis of the situation in Myanmar, Yang Rongwen also expressed his views on topics such as crown disease, Chinese political situation, and Chinese foreign relations in a forum of more than an hour last night.

The more advantages of the global epidemic, the more advantages of China

When talking about the crisis of crown disease, Yang Rongwen believes that the world under the epidemic is like two worlds.He pointed out that as long as the epidemic is dragged, the more the relative advantages China enjoyed by the world, "and this will make Western powers uncomfortable.

"In a sense, the crown disease epidemic is accelerating the history of history. The tension that was originally accumulated is now quickly condensing and expanding. This is a sad and dangerous situation.For the country, as for Singapore, we must recognize the power released by the crown disease. "

Some students participating in the conference asked questions that although China has gone out of the haze of crown disease, it is more confident in the world, but there are many domestic social and resource issues, including water deficiency and population aging.Influence?

Yang Rongwen pointed out that China is large because of its scale and a large institutional inertia, but once it finds the kinetic energy, it can form a momentum. "This momentum will take it for decades. China's current momentum is very good.of".

China is still willing to learn from Singapore

However, he also mentioned that once China becomes arrogant or even arrogant, it may be a weakening starting point.But he believes that China is still interested in learning from other countries, including Singapore.

"Sometimes they say that Singapore is too small and is not interested in us. But they still come to us from time to time ... learn lessons from our mistakes and failures. This shows that they still have a mentality of learning.To a certain extent, we are a barometer that can reflect China's international style. "