The U.S. Army India Commander revealed to a committee of the Senate on Tuesday (9th) that the Chinese military launched the top anti -ship ballistic missile to the South China Sea in the coordinated exercise last August, in ordermessage".

According to Bloomberg, U.S. Navy General Phil Davidson said that the model of Chinese testing was Dongfeng-21D, "These medium-range anti-ship ballistic missiles can attack aircraft carriers on the Western Pacific." He said: "They theyDuring the large -scale exercise, it used it to indicate that the PLA focused on countering any possible third -party intervention when the regional crisis occurred. "

He said in his speech to the Senate Military Commission that even using this missile in the exercise only marked the turning point of the People's Liberation Army.

Davidson said: "It is worth noting that the People's Republic of China not only develops advanced weapon systems, but also uses them more and more in training and exercises to improve the PLA's combat skills, and to regional and global audiencesConvey a message that understands. "

Dongfeng-21D missiles have the ability to destroy the main projection force of the United States in the Western Pacific region, that is, its aircraft carrier strike group, so it is the core of China's strategy to curb any military operations outside its eastern coast.In January 2011, Jack Dorsett, then the US Navy Intelligence Agency, told reporters that the Pentagon underestimated the speed of China's development and deployment of Dongfeng-21D.

The design concept of the missile is launched to a general point. The guidance system starts and found the aircraft carrier. Then he attacked the warhead to destroy the fighter, ejection device and control tower on the deck.The Pentagon said that the range of this missile exceeded 1,500 kilometers (930 miles).