Scholars of interviewees believe that China intends to "use legal laws" to counter the United States; in the context of U.S. President Biden may convene an allies to sanction in China, China's "legal weapons" will be expected to start certainlyThe deterrent effect.

Huang Xiaofang Report

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In the face of western sanctions and crosses, China will accelerate the advancement of foreign -related fields, and promote the formation of a systematic foreign -related laws and regulations system around anti -sanctions, anti -interference, and anti -long -arm jurisdiction.

Scholars of interviewees believe that China is intending to "use legal laws" to counter the United States; in the context of US President Biden may convene allies to sanction in China, China's "legal weapons" will have a certain deterrent effect.

Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, pointed out in the work report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress at the National People's Congress at the National People's Congress yesterday that in the next year's work, the National People's Congress will effectively strengthen the legislation of foreign -related fields and improve it.State governance urgently needed legal system.

Li Zhanshu, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, said when reviewing the work of the past year, saying that the National People's Congress will serve the overall foreign situation of the country and give full play to the functional role of foreign affairs.

"In any time, in any case, as long as the party (the Communist Party of China) and the people needs, the National People's Congress will not hesitate to stand on the front line for legal, political, and diplomatic struggles, and stretch out their shoulders"

The report proposes that the National People's Congress will accelerate the advancement of legislation in foreign -related fields, focusing on anti -sanctions, anti -interference, anti -long -arm jurisdiction, etc., enrich the legal "toolbox" of challenges and prevent riskssystem.

Refers to Chinese companies and individuals frequently under the jurisdiction of the United States long -arms

Li Zhanshu also pointed out when talking about Hong Kong, "The People's Congress will unswervingly safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development benefits in accordance with the law.Hong Kong's long -term prosperity and stability provides legal guarantee. "

Since the Sino -US trade war, the opposition between the two sides has been prominent, and Chinese companies and individuals have frequently been targeted at the "long -arm jurisdiction" in the United States. The most prominent example is that Huawei has been interrupted by the chip and the Meng Wanzhou case of Canada.

"Long -arm jurisdiction" is the legal word of the United States, which means that the United States has governed non -US citizens and enterprises under its domestically jurisdictions abroad.

Wang Jiangyu: Biden or Promoting the Sanctions China must create legal weapons

China has foreshadows last year that it will strengthen the legal way to counter the United States.

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced in September last year that the unreliable entity list provisions last September, paving the way for countermeasures to fight against Chinese technology companies; in January this year, it also issued a method of blocking foreign laws and measures to abserate absence of foreign laws and measures to block foreign laws and laws and laws and measures.The impact of measures "in improper domain" on Chinese enterprises and citizens.

Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law of the City University of Hong Kong and the director of the China Law and Comparative Law Research Center, was judged that Biden may further gather the power of the allies and continue to promote sanctions on China. Therefore, China is currently urgent to create "legal weapons" for itself.

He explained that the Ministry of Commerce has a low level, so the current foreign -related regulations have insufficient binding power; according to China's judicial system, once a case is entered into the court, the court may act in accordance with the law formulated by the people's congress and the administrative regulations of the State Council.

China should raise foreign -related regulations to the national level. If the United States imposes sanctions, China's anti -sanctions mechanism can automatically start, so that the United States can get immediate revenge.

Zhu Feng, dean of the Institute of International Relations of Nanjing University, pointed out that China is deeply aware of the comprehensive trade and science and technology in the United States.The legal battlefield has begun to take shape.

Liu Yongyu: If the legal war in China and the United States, it is not necessarily a bad thing for the world

Ryu Yongwook, an assistant professor at East Asia International Relations at the National University of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore, believes that even if the "legal war" may occur in the future of China and the United States, it is not necessarily a bad thing for the world.

"We would rather resolve differences peacefully through legal channels, rather than using military means."