The US media pointed out that Chinese leaders have formulated plans to accelerate the development of advanced technologies such as chips, artificial intelligence and quantum computing in the next five years, and increase bets in the US science and technology competition.

Chinese official's draft economic outline announced at the National People's Congress of China said that from 2021 to 2025, China's R & D expenditure will increase at a rate of more than 7%per year.The proportion of this GDP will be higher than the previous five years.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said in his speech last Friday that China will revise regulations and policies, support the inflow of risk capital into startups, increase bank loans and expand tax discounts to encourage research and development.

Wall Street Journal quoted economists and industry analysts that the prominentness of China's 14th Five -Year Plan is to emphasize advanced technology and innovation.The plan also includes China ’s vision of 2035. At that time, China hopes to“ major breakthroughs in key core technology and enter the forefront of innovative countries ”.

It is reported that Chinese leaders are striving to have a higher United States in terms of cutting -edge technology and development independent supply chain, so that companies can get rid of their dependence on American suppliers.A few years before the introduction of these measures, the Trump administration has imposed a lot of restrictions on Chinese -funded enterprises such as Huawei, cutting off the supply of some key components


Bynden government is conducting a wide range of technical policies in China and seeking to attract allies to maintain a leading position when China has achieved progress.

The United States is facing more pressure to take more action.Senate's leader and New York State Democratic Party Shu Mo has requested that members of the lawmakers to draft a bill based on an earlier proposal to respond to China's rise in the field of science and technology.The proposal advocates investment in basic research in the fields of artificial intelligence, high -performance computing and advanced manufacturing within five years of investment in five years.

Economist Xie Dongming, an economist in Singapore in Singapore, said that China and the United States are working hard to develop the same technical advantages.

Li Keqiang promised last Friday that the basic research expenditure of the central level this year will increase by 10.6%, and the ten -year action plan will be formulated.The advancement of basic research can lead to a breakthrough of new knowledge, and the field of scientific research is considered the key to technological progress.The Wall Street Journal pointed out that this is also a field of Chinese tradition behind the United States.

The five -year plan lists seven strategic areas that are considered vital to "national security and comprehensive development", including artificial intelligence, quantum computing, integrated circuits, genes and biotechnology research, neuroscience, aerospace and aerospaceEssenceIt is reported that China plans to establish a national laboratory and strengthen academic projects to incubate and support some of these technologies.Vaccination, deep -sea exploration and voice recognition are also listed as the development goal.

Alex Capri, a senior researcher at the Singapore National University Business School, said: "Leading in artificial intelligence and computing can enable China to gain huge benefits in mixed war and intelligence collection." He said that other cutting -edge technologies will enable China to expand in itMilitary capabilities in the Indo -Pacific region play a leading role in the militaryization of space, digital commerce, and ecosystems around digital currencies.

China's role has become more and more.According to a report from Stanford University this month, China has recently surpassed the United States in terms of references of artificial intelligence -related journals.

According to the research institution of Internal Business Strategies, as of the end of 2020, 690,000 5G base stations may be put into use across the country, while the United States has only 50,000.5G base station is a box that points to consumers with 5G signals.The goal of China's latest five -year planning setting is to increase the proportion of 5G users in China to more than 50%, and lays the foundation for the 6G network.

However, the basic research and R & D expenses of the United States still make China dwarn.China's "14th Five -Year Plan" from 2021 to 2025 predicts that the proportion of basic research funding investment in R & D will increase to more than 8%.

According to Ye Yujiang, an official of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, China ’s expenditure in basic research last year was RMB 150 billion (about S $ 30 billion) last year.In contrast, according to a report from the National Science Foundation in 2020, the US expenditure in basic research in 2018 was $ 97 billion, accounting for about 17%of the total US R & D expenditure.