● Crown disease 19 epidemic

(Bloomberg Electric, New York) Cangestist and death cases caused by coronal virus, decreased in hospitalization and death, and the people of the public have become more fatigue on long -term epidemic prevention.Lift the remaining restrictions on epidemic prevention.However, public health experts are worried that politicians have not learned lessons from this crisis. If the epidemic is coming back, they will be caught off guard again.

Health officials pointed out that although the current situation is different from the beginning of the outbreak in 2020, the coronary virus is still spread. In the futureWinter infection.Swaminatan, chief scientist of the World Health Organization, warned that it is "stupid" to cancel all epidemic prevention measures now.

However, the two -year -old epidemic prevention restrictions have seriously interfered with economic and social operations. In addition to China, which adheres to the zero policy of crown diseases, it is difficult to persuade other countries to maintain caution.

The eagerness to restore normal life in various countries is not just based on economic considerations.Crown disease has caused nearly 6 million people in the world to die, but restrictions on travel and funerals make many people unable to send farewell to relatives and friends, and it feels painful.Due to increasingly dissatisfied with the people's epidemic prevention measures such as forced vaccination, some countries have even broke out of protest demonstrations.

The popularity of crown disease has also caused confrontation between politics and science, which has promoted demonstrations such as Canadian truck drivers who paralyzed Ottawa and other demonstrations. It also merged anti -epidemic prevention emotions and consciousness of deepening social differences.

Swaminatan said in an interview with Bloomberg: "The attack on scientists and science is disappointing. This situation becomes more severe during the epidemic and may cause great damage."

British Prime Minister Johnson announced last week that the England region will lift the remaining epidemic prevention measures in the end of this month, one month earlier than the original timetable.

Norway and Denmark have ended most restrictions, and South Africa, which first discovered that Omikon's variants, also canceled its self -isolation.

The situation of the United Kingdom reflects the current various factors that affect the decision -making of epidemic prevention, and some people worry about excessive concerns about the statement of countries.

At present, the vaccination rate of crown disease vaccines in the UK has exceeded 80%, and more than half of the population has been vaccinated, and the hospitalization rate of patients with crown disease is much lower than the peak.However, when the government was trapped in a series of scandals such as "party doors", Johnson announced that he had ended epidemic prevention measures in advance, which made people doubt that he aims to shift his attention and keep the phase.

Experts point out that countries must prepare for potential new variant strains, cases of infection cases, and the risks of future popularity in the future.But they are worried that governments may not learn lessons from crisis crisis, especially repeated restrictions.

Richard Hatchett, the head of the White House consultant, the head of the Popular Performance Prevention Innovation Alliance, said: "As the Omikon virus fades, the public naturalWe don't know what will happen in the future. "

Expand home testing, make public buildings more ventilated, increase the efforts to track virus mutations, and development can better fight for extensive variety of strains andThe vaccines and drugs of other diseases are some measures that countries should take.

Hachert pointed out: "The most important thing is that from the perspective of government and risk management, we must invest according to the assumptions that might encounter bad situations, even if this possibility is very small."