(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. officials pointed out that the Bayeng government is increasingly believed that China is evaluating the US way of responding to the Ukrainian crisis, and believes that this will be a test of the US in the future.

Bloomberg report quoted three US senior officials that China tried to judge from the Ukrainian crisis's response from the United States. Once the mainland takes more provocative actions on the Taiwan Strait issue, the United States may respond.

They pointed out that U.S. Secretary of State Briggie decided to visit Australia as scheduled this week, mainly due to two major factors.The United States hopes to emphasize that even if a war in Europe, Washington's efforts to move the focus of policies to Asia will not be affected.

In addition, the White House also realizes that the long -term interests of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region are related to how it effectively should be in other regions.

Brincken said on Friday after holding a Sifang Security Dialogue (QUAD) with Australia, Japan and India Foreign Ministers on Friday: "Everyone is observing, see how we respond."

clothLincoln did not directly name China, but his so -called "others" were not just Chinese decision makers. Taiwan Cai Yingwen also ordered its government to monitor the situation in Ukraine and the potential security of this crisis on Taiwan.

The incident of Chinese military aircraft invaded the Taiwan Air Defense identification zone has recently surged. Many people in Washington believe that in the next few years, Taiwan will be the next goal of Beijing, but the Chinese government has refuted this statement.

U.S. officials said that as the United States has established a Quartet Security Dialogue (QUAD) and Aukus (AUKUS) with the United States.Essence

In fact, the United States and Europe unite did have some cracks due to different opinions on Russia's sanctions, but NATO generally showed a unified position.

In addition, the United States hopes to ensure that Beijing and other competitors will not retreat from the chaos of the US military from Afghanistan last year as a model of how the United States will deal with crisis in the future.

One of the U.S. officials said that the United States is fully aware that even incidents in the Middle East or other regions often affect the efforts of the United States to focus more on Asia.Let this happen.