(Morning News) The border between Russia and Ukraine is densely distributed, and US President Biden and Russian President Putin decided to call on the phone on Saturday (February 12).

A number of US senior officials warned on Friday that Russia has deployed strong sea, land and air forces on three sides of Ukraine, and may launch a large -scale attack on Ukraine at any time. It is expected that an air strike will lead.

Reuters quoted a U.S. officials that day that the Kremlin proposed that Russian and US leaders will call next Monday, but the White House suggested that on Saturday to call on Saturday, the Kremlin accepted the White House proposal.

The US official said that Biden and Putin would call on the phone on Saturday morning.

TASS quoted the White House press secretary Pusky said Putin would also call French President Macron on Saturday.

According to the New York Times, US officials said that US intelligence shows that Russia is discussing military operations on February 16 (next Wednesday), but they acknowledge that this may be a false information spread by Russia.

The US National Security Consultant Sarawan said on Friday: "We continue to see signs of Russia's upgrade operations, and the new troops have arrived near the Ukrainian border." He pointed out that the invasion may begin during the Beijing Winter Olympics.And warned all American citizens to leave Ukraine within 24 to 48 hours.The Beijing Winter Olympics will be closed on February 20.

U.S. officials still do not know whether Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, but Shalvin said: "We have prepared two hands. No matter what will happen next, Western countries are now more united than in the past years."