The Indian Pacific Strategic Report published by the United States said: "China combines economy, diplomacy, military, and technical forces to establish a scope of power in India, trying to become the world's most influential country ...We have worked together in the next 10 years to determine whether China can successfully change the rules and specifications that India and the world benefit. "

The highly anticipated India Pacific Strategic Report announced on Friday that vowed to invest more diplomatic and security resources in the Indo -Pacific region to compete against China.Washington believes that China tries to establish a scope of power in this area and become the most influential country in the world.

The Biden government pointed out in the report that the United States will focus on all corners of the Indo -Pacific area from South Asia to the Pacific islands to strengthen the long -term position and commitment of the United States.

This 12 -page strategic report said: "China combines economic, diplomacy, military, and technical forces to establish a sphere of influence in India, trying to become the world's most influential country ... We are inThe joint efforts of the next 10 years will determine whether China can successfully change the rules and specifications that have benefited the world. "Too strategic reports are intended to emphasize the importance of the United States for India.Now, Washington has a wrestling with Moscow on the Ukraine issue. China and Russia announced last week to strengthen strategic partnerships, so that the United States faced the challenges brought by China -Russia.

The United States has vowed to modernize the alliance, strengthen new partnerships, and invest in regional organizations, especially emphasizing that "a powerful India" can play an important role as a partner in India.The report pointed out that the United States will jointly create a "free and open Indo -Pacific" through a strong and enhanced alliance network.

The report said that according to the action plan of the next 12 months to 24 months, the United States will expand diplomatic existence in Southeast Asia and Pacific islands, prioritize key negotiations with the Pacific Island country, and re -re -focus on security assistance.Put in Indo -Pacific, including the establishment of maritime capabilities.

Meimei will cooperate with regional partners to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait

The report also said that in the highly sensitive potential conflict point in Taiwan, Washington will followPartnerships inside and outside the region cooperate to maintain peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.At the same time, the report reiterates that the United States will start the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework early this year to restore contact with the region.

A senior official in the United States told reporters: "We realize that the ability to change China is limited, so we seek to shape the strategic environment around China."The Embassy of the Capital of the Islands set up an Embassy

On the other hand, an official of the US State Department said on Saturday that in response to the establishment of military relations in Indo -Pacific, the United States promised to strengthen the Indo -Pacific of India.The relationship, including the establishment of an embassy in the Solomon Islands capital, Hilllara.Secretary of State Brosky will announce the plan when visiting Fiji.This is the first visit to US Secretary of State since 1985.Blint will hold an online summit with 18 Pacific leaders in the local area.

The Solomon Islands broke diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 2019 and established diplomatic relations with China, which triggered anti -China mood.The Solomon Islands currently kiss Beijing. In November last year, a large -scale riots in the capital occurred in the capital. China subsequently sent police officers to the Solomon Islands and provided riot supplies to assist police officers in the country. This has aroused US attention.