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State Schultz, the Secretary of State of Reagan, died in a centenarium.Behind his evaluation described him as a pragmatic and visible diplomat. Schultz handle diplomatic rigidity and softness, humanity and trust. Schultz found the breakthrough point of knocking on the deadlock of the US -Soviet relations with its keen insight, guiding Reagan and Gorbachev to establish a relationship, through dialogue and negotiationsEstablish mutual trust and end the Cold War.This should be his biggest achievement in his life. He usually silently handle the international crisis behind the scenes, and then lets Reagan announce the diplomatic results.Some scholars have pointed out that Schultz mostly shows the style of the US chief diplomat.

The Cold War is getting farther and farther away from us. One after another, the characters who were in the same year became historical figures.

All glory and glory have turned into dust.

These Cold War Terminal who once rewritten history, leaving the world one by one.

On February 6, the Secretary of State George Schultz died in a centenarium during the President of Reagan. The world lost not only a man Rui, but also a highly respected diplomat.

The masterpiece, Schultz is far less than the Marshall in Truman, Kissinger in the Nisheson era, Olblett in the Clinton era, or Bush's Powell.However, from the high evaluation of the media and politics, Schultz, as a pragmatic and visible diplomat, may be the greatest secretary of the last century.

Some scholars have pointed out that Schultz shows the style as the chief diplomat as the United States, and even Bikinggie is better.

The big difference between Schultz and Kissinger is that he never deliberately pursued the magnesium lamp. He usually silently handle the international crisis behind the scenes and then let Reagan announce the results of diplomatic.

He has a set of effective ingenuity in his life. He is frugal throughout his life, showing the bone of "worrying about poverty".Don't compete with others.He is a man of man and advocates "choosing the monarch". Once the monarch does not trust, he should leave.

In terms of diplomacy, he is not humble or humble, advocates non -attack, treats equality between the country and the country, gets along peacefully, and opposes the weakness.Regardless of the big and small countries, they are convinced by his superb diplomacy.The most popular thing is that he handles diplomacy and rigidity and softness, human feelings and trust.

From the title of the media review after he died, it can be seen: "He Helped End the Cold War with Kindness, The Human Touch was at the Heart of Everything Achieved by George Schultz", "George Schultz" TZ: An American Titan of Building Global"Trust", "George Schultz, Statesman of the Century: Strategy, Reflection and Restraint Made Him One of the Greatest Diplomats of His Era."

"No Schultz Reagan will not end the Cold War"

Historians agreed that Schultz's biggest achievement in his life was to grasp the opportunity to guide Reagan and Soviet leader Gorbachev to carry out ice breaking journey, establish mutual trust through negotiations and dialogues, and end the Cold War.

Gorbachev confirmed a few years ago: "Without Reagan, the Cold War will not end. Without Schultz, Reagan will not end the Cold War."Schultz, Reagan Would Not Have Ended The Cold War. ")

What is this solution?

You know, Reagan enters the White House with a strong ideological color.During his tenure, the Soviet Union replaced four leaders (Breznetle -Andrewov -Kerry Nianke -Gorbachev).However, the change of leaders did not make the US -Soviet relations improve. Even after Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party in March 1985, Reagan still believed that he and the previous ones were the puppets.He made the following judgments in his diary: "Gorbachev, like any other Soviet leader, is a hardliner. If it is not a firm person in ideology, it will not be selected by the Politburo!"

However, Schultz, who followed Vice President Bush to participate in the Kuri Chronicle Funeral, has his own wisdom. Seeing the newly on stage Gorbachev's style is different from the previous rigid Kremlin leader, and vigorously promotes reform and politics transparency.It may be an opponent who can actively interact.Therefore, through the newly -appointed Soviet Foreign Minister Shevarda, he also expands substantial contact with the Soviet executives.

At that time, the National Security Team of the White House was almost clear and not optimistic about what was good for the Soviet Union.But under Schultz's lure and enlightenment, Reagan agreed to let go.

Schultz soon launched negotiations with Shevarda to reduce nuclear weapons, and soon upgraded to a series of related summits held by Reaganocalbachev.

According to the New York Times statistics, between 1985 and 1988, the two foreign ministers conducted more than 30 talks, trying to replace fear and hatred with trust and confidence, and signed a series of military control treaties between the United States and the Soviet Union.Pave the way.

Injecting human taste into people? Warm diplomatic wrist is singing today

Such frequent contacts began with a thoughtful move when Schultz first met with Shevalda.

The old reporter and editor of the biography of Schultz biography and editor Taoman revealed a secret when he wrote a article in New Year to mourn Schultz on February 8:

In 1985, Shortly, Shevaldazawa, attended his first international meeting at Helsinki.He first reported that he should take the initiative to worship the dock to other senior representatives, but Schultz keeps his rules and greeted him first.At that time, the seats of the United States and Soviet delegation had a distance one after the other, and I saw Schultz put the official document on the front row in the front row, and then slowly picked up the level.Shevaldazawa stretched out the hand of friendship.Previously, during the appointment of former Foreign Minister Glomyko, the US -Soviet delegation always met coldly without saying hello, and more than 30 representatives present were stunned and moved by the sudden warmth in front of him.

Takman wrote that the move of Schultz laid the cornerstone for the very constructive working relationship between the US and Soviet Foreign Ministers.

Schultz later told his wife: "There will be a lot of things to argue between him and me in the future, but I have to make friends with him. We should not have personal grievances between us. So we must try to resolve the problem."

Decades later, Shevarda retired from the President of the Georgian Republic, and Paiman went to his house to interview.Shevalda was suffering from Parkinson's syndrome and was inconvenient to move. He asked the assistant to take out a stack of files to Talman. It turned out that the Christmas card sent by the Schultz for many years has been cherished.

Analysts say, justIt is this kind of injecting human taste and care in the process of treating people, making Schultz unique.He is full of tenderness and respect for other people's diplomatic wrists.

Although Schultz is not a charm leader who impressed people, its low -key style of calmness and reliable reputation is still highly appreciated.

Schultz: The most important thing for diplomacy is to talk about trust

Schultz still cares about the international situation in his later years, often writes in newspapers, and expansion of current affairs.

"Trust is the coin of the realm" is his best famous saying, and it is also his book title.

December 13 last year was Schultz's 100th birthday. He published an article on the Washington Post: The 10 most important things I learned in the 100 -year -old life.About Trust Over My 100 Years, mentioning that he knew the value and importance of interpersonal trust in interpersonal trust in his life.

He shared these 10 things in a "storytelling" way, warning that only if you trust each other, can there be good things that happen.

He wrote: "As long as there is mutual trust, good things come naturalEverything else is just a slight detail. "

For Schultz, the biggest capital of the businessman is to obtain trust in people, and the biggest capital of politicians is to obtain trust in the people.He believes that the most important thing for diplomacy is trust.

Earlier August, he contributed the Wall Street Journal, lamenting that "China has been different in the past with its constructive cooperation in the past."He rebuked the CCP's chaos and condemned Beijing to lose his trust in the world, so it was difficult to reach an agreement with Beijing.

On the other hand, in the United States, the struggle between the two parties continues to suspect each other.Recently, a fierce game of Trump's impeachment case triggered a political turmoil in politics, which just fulfilled Schultz's argument.

President Biden said that the United States will return to the international community. However, the credibility and authority of the United States have been consumed by the Trump administration in just four years.The first thing Biden has to do is to build trust.

Biden highly praised Schultz's contribution to the 20th century US diplomatic trajectory and influence, and regretted that he was too late to ask him.

However, in the November November issue of the US Foreign Service Monthly, a Schutz talked about how to rebuild mutual trust, which is worth his reference.

On the birthday of Schultz, Gorbachev, the last Soviet President of the Soviet Union, sent him a birthday congratulatory message, warmly recalling his combat friendship and immortality with Schultz, and in the Gorbachev FundThe full text of congratulations is published on the website.

According to telecommunications, he said: "The period when we worked together became a turning point in the end of the Cold War and nuclear arms, and the relationship between the two countries also became mutual trust. In today's point of view, what happened at the time was described as the things at that time.The scale is magnificent. I think we are enough to be proud. "

"You are convincing to defend the concept of nuclearization of non -nuclearization. This common concept makes you my heart and me and I get close to President Reagan."

He praised Schultz through a great path throughout his life. "On some roads, we walked side by side and walked together. Today I remember those years.How important is it. "

He recalled that he had met with Schultz many times and talked about his knees.We found a common language. "

However, some comments pointed out that Gorbachev's congratulatory electricity has no intention. It seems to wish Schultz. In fact, he gives himself a merit and reviews his "proud" political career and promotes his history.Contribution.

The Terminator of the Cold War in the same period has long been ancient.

Although Shevaldazawa was not guaranteed in the evening of President Georgia, he was still remembered as one of the Cold War Terminists with a hard work in the West.

Although the Berlin wall collapsed during the old Bush, the Cold War ended within his tenure, no one would deny that Reagan and Schultz lived.

I have been in and out of the newspaper for 10 years, and have experienced 10 US presidents from Nicon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Old Bush, Clinton, Little Bush, Obama, Trump, and Trump to Bynden, and Cong Rogers, KizaSinger, Wans, Chrisko, Maski, Heg, Schultz, Baker, Olblate, Powell, Rice, Hillary, Kerry, Tireson, PompeoWait for 16 Secretary of State.

Reagan and Schultz can be said to be the most consistent pair.According to the information, Schultz is also the longest -lasting Secretary of State in the United States after the war, six and a half years.Coupled with his former Treasury Secretary and Minister of Labor, he was believed to be the longest in the Cabinet Minister in the United States.

But he is steady and low -key, and does not have the credit, so Kissingh, the best partner who is not famous, is as loud.The two jointly broke the deadlock of Sino -US relations, but Neson is the "mastermind". Kissinger is strictly the executor. In fact, the impact is not so deep.In addition, Kissinger is a Secretary of State with a personal politics and is cleverly but deliberately competing with the president from time to time.

The Associated Press reported that Reagan and Schultz publicly had only one public opinion. It was what happened in 1985. In order to block the loopholes of the government's secret leakage, Reagan ordered thousands of the power to contact the high degree of high machines.Officials accepted phenomenon.Schultz told reporters: "Which day I was no longer trusted, I would leave immediately." Shortly after, Ridan retracted his life.

Learn from Reagan to establish trust through "telling stories" to build trust

Schultz also mentioned in the 100 -year -old Wenli that he learned from Reagan how to build a trust through storytelling: Once, Reagan read a lecture on a foreign policy prepared by Schultz for him, and praised it verbally.However, the "story" marked by the lecture.Schultz asked him what he meant, and Reagan said, "This is the most important point." He said that adding a related story will attract readers.This can not only attract their minds, but also attract their emotions.

Schultz wrote: "He let me understand that what telling stories can help you cannot be done in an abstract way: a story can establish an emotional bond, and the emotional bond can build trust."

Schultz has drove to the west and no longer turns back.

The Terminator of the Cold War now has only Kilinh and Gorbachev, and President Carter, who is still alive, is not considered because his diplomatic achievements are mainly limited to the peace in the Middle East.Kissinger rarely talked publicly how to remember him.From time to time, Gorbachev made a public development, reminding people that his contribution to history and the world seemed to have not penetrated the principle of non -contributions to the right, and he was more and more eager to leave a good reputation in the history of youth.

In fact, major media in Britain and the United States have already written a lot of celebrities for them, and no need to build a coffin can be made.