(Morning News) The United States announced the Indian Too strategic report on Friday (February 11) that vowed to invest more diplomatic and security resources in the Indo -Pacific region to resist it.China.

Reuters reported that this is the first regional strategic report of US President Biden.In this 12 -page strategic outline report, the Biden government stated that it will cover all corners of the South Asia to Pacific islands to strengthen the United States' long -term position and commitment to the Indo -Pacific region.

Reports pointed out that some of the reasons for the increasing attention of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region are that the region is facing increasingly severe challenges, especially challenges from China."China is combining economic, diplomacy, military and technical strength, seeking the scope of power in the Indo -Pacific region, and seeking to become the most influential country in the world."

Report: "We collectivelyEfforts are the key to determine whether China can successfully change the Indo -Pacific region and global rules and norms. "

The release time of this report in the United States coincides with US Secretary of State Brills to visit the Indo -Pacific area, and RussiaThe situation with the Ukrainian border is in a state of dangerous confrontation.

At the same time, Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a physical summit on February 4, announcing the unanimous stance of deepening strategic cooperation between the two countries.In a joint statement issued by the leaders of the two countries after the meeting, they made a unanimous statement against NATO's eastward expansion, independence of Taiwan, and alerting to the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" in the United States.

In the report, the United States promised to achieve the modernization of the alliance, strengthen the emerging partnership and invest in regional organizations, and especially emphasized the importance of "a powerful India" as its active regional vision partner.

The report says that the United States "pursue a free and open Indo -Pacific region" and "will achieve this goal through powerful and complementary alliances."

In order to realize the vision of Indo -Pacific, the Bayeng government will launch an action plan in the next 12 to 24 months.The report states that Washington will "expand" its diplomacy in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, and give priority to key negotiations with the Pacific Islands. These negotiations cover the admission of the U.S. military.forward.