Yu Zeyuan Beijing Report

Chinese official yesterday disclosed the details of the conflict between the Central and Indian army in the Laul Wanhe Valley in the China -India border last June last June, confirming that the conflict caused four officers and soldiers of the PLA, and a regiment was seriously injured.

Scholars of Beijing pointed out that in the Laotan conflict, 20 people, including a lieutenant colonel, were killed, and the losses were significantly greater.The Chinese official selection announced the details of the Laotvan conflict when the current Sino -Indian front -line troops were separated, and used the "foreign army" to refer to the Indian army, showing that the official would not only explain to the domestic people, but also did not want to over -stimulate the Indian side as soon as possible in order to be as soon as possible in order to as soon as possible in order to as soon as possible in order to as soon as possible as soon as possible as soon as possibleThe situation in the Sino -Indian border is stable.

According to the PLA report yesterday, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China awarded the honorary title of the seriously injured Qi Fubao "Head of the Head of the Patriotic Border" and awarded the honorary title of "Heroes of the Patriotic Border" of the Dead Camp Chen Hongjun, and gave the dead soldiers Chen Xiangrong and Xiao Siyuan.Wang Yiran remembered a first -class merit.

Ren Guoqiang, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, told the media yesterday that in June last year, the Indian army illegally exerted its line, provoked, and violently attacked the Chinese negotiation personnel.In the Indian side.After the conflict, China has maintained a high degree of restraint in order to maintain the overall situation of the relationship between the two countries and the two armies, promoting the situation of the situation, and maintained a high degree of restraint, which reflects that China ’s as a responsible country is responsible.

He pointed out that the Indian side repeatedly rendered the hype related incidents, distorted the truth, misleading international public opinion, and slandering officers and soldiers of the Chinese border defense forces; now the Chinese media reported the facts objectively, which is conducive to clarifying the truth.

Ren Guoqiang said that China has always been committed to resolving disputes through dialogue negotiations, always committed to maintaining the overall situation of the relationship between the two armies of China and India, and has always been committed to promoting the situation to reduce the situation as soon as possible, and restores peace and peace in the border area of China and India as soon as possible.

On June 15, 2020, a fierce physical conflict broke out in the Galwan Valley area.On June 16, the Chinese military confirmed that the conflict caused casualties, but did not announce the number of casualties.The Indian military said the conflict killed 20 Indian soldiers.This is the worst conflict between the two armies since the Sino -Indian border war in 1962.

The PLA Newspaper, Yangguang.com and other official media published an article yesterday to praise the deeds of the Chinese border defense forces, which disclosed some details of the La Wan River Valley conflict.

Qi Faobao, the head of the regiment, took several officers and soldiers to cross the river to negotiate and was seriously injured

It is reported that in June 2020, the foreign army blatantly violated the consensus reached with China and set up a tent.In accordance with the convention of the border incident and the previous agreement between the two sides, the head of the regiment Qi Fabao, in the sincerity of the negotiation to solve the problem, brought only a few officers and soldiers to negotiate through the deep river water.

Reported that during the negotiation process, the other party had a premeditated hidden force and mobilized a large number of troops, trying to force the Chinese side to concessions with many people, and launched attacks with steel pipes, sticks, and stones.Qi Fabao became the key attack target, and his head was hit hard.Seeing that Qi Fabao was seriously injured and fell to the ground, Chen Hongjun immediately took officers and soldiers, rushing into the "stone rain" and "stick array" rescue team leader.Hearing that someone shouted, "The Captain Captain was besieged", Chen Xiangrong rushed towards his opponent, and used his body and the smashed shield to protect the company commander.It was found that some comrades were besieged. Xiao Siyuan rushed forward again, desperately rescued his comrades, and used his body to block the attack of stones and sticks for his comrades.

It is reported that the PLA reinforcement team arrived in time. In the future, the offender defeated the driving away and achieved a major victory. The foreign army could not defeat the army and fled, and left a large number of cross -line and casualties, and paid a heavy price.

Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a press conference yesterday that the PLA newspapers issued a report that the announcement of the truth is conducive to the fact that the truth is true and false and wrong.Respect.

The situation of the China -India border shows signs of easing.According to the consensus reached by the ninth round of military talks between China and India, the two troops of the China -India Army were located in the first -troops of Ban Gong Hunan and the North Shore in the same plan on February 10.The two sides also agreed to hold the 10th round of military -level talks as soon as possible to continue to promote the situation of the border.