Hundreds of military police drove to a shipyard yesterday. The nearby residents found that the military police wanted to enter the shipyard to arrest and respond to the coup and strike.They knocked on pots and pans and shouted that the military police left.Finally, the military and police fired real bullets, plastic bullets and slingshots to the masses, resulting in casualties.

(Mandler / Yangon Comprehensive Electric) The anti -military government of Manderer in Myanmar's second largest city in Myanmar has evolved into a bloody target.At least two people died and 30 were injured.This is the bloodpiest day since Introduction to Myanmar's anti -soldiers.

Hundreds of military police officers to the Yadanarbon Shipyard at the Ilova River yesterday. The nearby residents found that the military police wanted to enter the shipyard to arrest and respond to the counter -coup.They knocked on pots and pans and shouted that the military police left.Finally, the military and police fired real bullets, plastic bullets and slingshots to the masses, resulting in casualties.

The leader of the local emergency rescue volunteer team said that at least two died, one of which was a man in the head, and about 30 were injured.

The Myanmar military launched a coup on February 1, arrested the leaders of the former state -owned government, such as Weng Shan Shuzhi and President Wen Min."Emergency".Demonstrations occur after all parts of the country, protesting soldiers to overthrow the election government to seize power, and citizens initiated by the group have obtained the people's response. People from all walks of life have joined the strikes, and many government departments have paralyzed.

Before the law enforcement unit was in Mandler yesterday, it usually only fired tear gas, water cannon and plastic bullets to demonstrators.However, the 20 -year -old girl's head died on February 9, a 20 -year -old girl, died on the 19th and became the first victim of the chaos after the coup.

The death of the girl caused more demonstrations. Yangon had more people on the street yesterday.A number of ethnic minorities, writers, poets, and transport workers form a parade, asking the military to immediately release Wengshan Shuzhi and others, and also politics.They all doubt about the military's commitment to hold the right to pay in the future.

Naga (ethnic minority) young leader Ke Jun, who participated in the organization protests, said that although some minority parties Weng Shan Shuzhi once promised to establish a federal system, it is time for everyone to unite.

The 75 -year -old Weng Shan Shuzhi, like some senior generals, is the Burmese with the majority of the population.The government she led was originally a peace process with the rebellion organization, but in 2017, after the military launched a target of the Rohingya and caused more than 700,000 Rohingya to fled, she faced the international community condemnation.The ethnic group's confidence in her also decreased greatly.

EU strong condemnation

After the incident of Mandaler, the European Union immediately responded.The EU ’s chief representative of Foreign Policy Brell tweeted, which strongly condemned the violent treatment encountered by Burmese Peaceful demonstrators.

He said that the EU Foreign Minister will meet in Brussels on Monday to discuss the latest development of the situation in Myanmar and "make appropriate decisions."

The United States also responded after the death of the Burmese girl demonstrator.A spokesman for the State Council said that the United States was sad for this and condemned the Burmese government for use for demonstrators.

According to the statistics of the Myanmar Political Criminal Aid Association, as of the 19th, the military has arrested 546 people, of which only 46 were released.