(Morning News) Elon Musk, a global rich man in the world, publicly shouted many times. He was the most federal tax in 2021, with a tax amount of $ 11 billion in tax.But on the other hand, as the chief executive officer of electric vehicle Tesla, he lowered the news that Tesla did not need to pay a minute tax.

According to CNN Business, although Tesla has just released the most profitable annual performance so far, in the foreseeable future, Tesla may not pay any anyFederal tax.Tesla's performance shows that the net profit of the year was US $ 5.5 billion last year, and the profit after adjustment was $ 7.6 billion.

The US Cable Television News Network said that Tesla recently submitted an annual performance report submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (Securities and Exchange Commission).$ 30 million.It claims that all the pre -tax profit (total value of more than 6 billion U.S. dollars) from the group is a business from overseas.Although Tesla's 45 % of its turnover originated from the US market.

Based on this, Tesla said its foreign tax bill reached 839 million US dollars, but its State Tax Bill was only $ 9 million, and its federal tax bill (Federal Tax Bill) wasIt's zero.

Martin Sullivan, chief economist of non -profit tax publisher, said: "This violates the logic of common common sense but does not violate the US tax law.">

Shalvin said that he believes that "Tesla's US business loss of 130 million US dollars" is a common approach for American multinational companies: "Making" the group's business structure is a company that reports profitable by overseas subsidiariesThe income that makes the US business has almost no or exactly no tax payment.

The report also said that a recent report from the US Ministry of Finance found that 61 % of the US multinational company's international profit was only recorded in seven small countries called tax avoidance paradise: Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Singapore and Switzerland.Many candidate officials and the Biden government have once said that they would fight this practice.But so far, the US Congress has not been able to take action to stop it.