Cai Tiancheng sorting

[email protected]

In the outbreak of war, US Secretary of State Brosaka warned yesterday that Russia is gathering more soldiers at the Ukrainian border. The invasion of Ukraine may begin at any time, and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games may also occur.US President Biden made an appeal earlier to leave immediately in Ukraine.

Brincken, who attended the Foreign Minister of the Foreign Minister of the Foreign Minister of the Foreign Minister of the Foreign Minister of the US, Japan, Australia and India, gave a conversation with the Ukrainian crisis yesterday at a press conference.He said: "At present, Russia will invade Ukraine at any time. It is clearly said that this includes the period of the Winter Olympics." It was generally believed that Russia would avoid provoking China.This view.

The latest satellite images taken on Wednesday and Thursday showed that Russia also conducted military deployment in Crimea, western Russia, and Billes in southern Ukraine.It shows that Russia continues to send troops to the border near Ukraine.The company has been tracking the movement of the Russian army over the past few weeks.

The United States and NATO are also stepping up military deployment.The U.S. Air Force announced the day before yesterday that several B-52 strategic bombers have already arrived in the UK and will participate in NATO joint exercises.The Denmark Prime Minister Frazrikson said the day before yesterday that the United States proposed bilateral defense cooperation to Denmark, including letting the U.S. military and equipment stationed in Denmark.Norway and the Baltic countries have reached similar defense arrangements as Washington.

U.S. President Biden also publicly called for American citizens to leave immediately the day before yesterday.Biden was interviewed by the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and said: "American citizens should leave and now leave." The Russian army is one of the strongest army in the world. He emphasized: "The current situation is very different, and the situation may turn sharply!"

Bynden reiterated that under any circumstances, the United States will not send troops to Ukraine, and even local American citizens will not be in danger."This will be a world war. When the Americans and Russians fire to each other, the world we are in will be completely different."After the meeting, he pointed out that the Russian army must withdraw from the Ukrainian border to alleviate the crisis with action.

At a press conference held in Moscow on the same day, Tras said: "The situation is very dangerous now, and we must see the Russian army and equipment stationed in the Ukrainian border.He also said: "Lavrov told me today that Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine, but in addition to listening to its words, we also have to watch it."

The British government issued new regulations the day before yesterday, in the case of invasion in Russia in RussiaBritain will increase sanctions on Russia and expand the scope of sanctions.The British Prime Minister Johnson, who visited Poland, said that once Ukraine is invaded, there must be "a set of sanctions that can be implemented immediately", which should include Beixi No. 2 natural gas project.

German Chancellor, Tsumarz, warned Russia the day before yesterday that he had to face the "serious" economic and political consequences.When the leaders of the three countries in Berlin, the three countries in Berlin, the day, Souls told reporters: "The urgent prince is to prevent the outbreak of European in Europe. We want peace."

At the same time, the United States ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield in the United Nations GreenfieldWhen I was interviewed by CNN (CNN) on Thursday, it called on Beijing to urge Russia to "do the right thing" in the Ukraine crisis.This remark attracted a strong response from the Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun, saying that Washington stimulated the tension.

Under any circumstances, the United States will not send troops to Ukraine, and even local American citizens will not be in danger.This would be a world war.When Americans and Russians fire each other, the world we live in will be completely different.

—— US President Biden