(Seoul Roadporant) South Korean President Moon Jae -in said that North Korea's restoration of nuclear weapons or long -range missile tests will "immediately" cause the Korean Peninsula to re -enter the crisis.He called for measures to prevent this.

The number of missile tests in January of North Korea made a record, highlighting the failure of Wen Zaiyin's efforts to achieve breakthrough during his term.Wen Zaiyin's term will end in May.North Korean leader Kim Jong -un hinted that he may order a new nuclear test or intercontinental ballistic missile launch, which will be the first time since 2017.

Wen Zaiyin said in a written interview with the media in Seoul this week: "If a series of missiles in North Korea have launched the point of abolishing the remote missile test ban, the Korean Peninsula may immediately fall into five years ago five years agoThe state of crisis. Through unremitting dialogue and diplomatic efforts to prevent this crisis, it will be a task that relevant national political leaders must complete. "

Wen Zaiyin acknowledged that before he left, heIt is unlikely to hold a summit with Kim Jong-un at the last moment, nor is it possible to release the declaration of the end of the Korean War that he put forward from 1950-1953.

But he said that the United States and South Korea have reached an agreement on the text of declarations. If all parties want to avoid crisis, the summit between Kim Jong -un and President Biden is "just a matter of time."

Wen Zaiyin promoted the official end of the Korean War to replace the suspension agreement.He said: "At least I hope to make the conditions for announced the end of the war to mature and transfer it to the next government."

However, he said that the biggest regret in his tenure is the beauty held in Hanoi in Hanoi.The summit failed to succeed. Kim Jong -un and the then US President Trump could not cut North Korea's nuclear weapons or missiles in exchange for an agreement to relax international sanctions.

"Unfortunately, at least it should be ensured that the conversation should be continued, the summit ended with the" no agreement "." He believes that when it is obviously unable to reach the "big agreement", it is still necessary to seek to reach a reached oneSmaller, staged protocols.