(Morning News) Ukraine Defense Minister Leznikov said that there were two more planes with American weapons arrived in Kiev.

Zhongtong News News Agency reported that Leznikov wrote on Twitter: "There are two more planes arrived at Kiev!" The "javelin", grenades and other defensive ammunition for Ukrainian armed forces.The military assistance weighs nearly 130 tons from our American partner. We have received a total of 15 total weights of more than 1,200 tons! There are still follow -up. "

Except Americans, Britain, Canada, France,, Turkey and other Western and European countries supply billions of dollars in Ukraine.

The United States provides Ukraine's "javelin" anti -tank missile system, patrol boat, sniper rifle and anti -artillery radar. The UK is the NLAW anti -tank grenade launcher, and Turkey attacks drones for Bayraktar TB2.

Ukraine and Britain signed a memorandum that stipulates that the two Ukrainian navy bases are jointly designed and built on territorial territories, and two Ukrainian navy bases are built.

On February 10, the Director of the Russian Intelligence Agency, Nareshkin, said that Ukraine was preparing for the war and no concealment.All combat effective armed forces in Ukraine have been concentrated on the contact line with Donbas. Hundreds of tons of military equipment and ammunition are transporting from the United States in European military bases in Europe and Canada to Ukraine.

He said that a consultant and instructor for a NATO special forces are being established.There are even news that there are extremist teams in multiple countries.

Narrashkin pointed out that the Ukrainian Security Agency and the armed forces are ready to provoke on the contact line and plan to record it by fabricating the Syrian "white helmet".The "white helmet" organization is active in the Syrian opposition armed control zone, and has been questioned to fake video and associate with terrorist organizations.