(Morning News) U.S. President Biden Biden called on US citizens to leave Ukraine immediately on Thursday (February 10).He said that if Russia invades, the United States will not send troops to rescue Americans who intend to escape from the country.

Bloomberg reported that the US State Department reminded the public on Thursday not to go to Ukraine because "the threat of Russian military operations and crown diseases increases."The State Council also called on Americans in Ukraine to leave through commercial or private channels.

On the same day, U.S. President Biden was asked in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation that Under what circumstances the United States would send troops to Ukraine to help Americans trying to escape.

Bynden bluntly answered: "No.

Bynden said: "When Americans and Russia begin to shoot each other, it is a world war. We will be in a very different world from the past."

Biden also called on U.S. citizens currently in Ukraine to leave there immediately, and added: "We are facing one of the largest troops in the world. This is a very different situation, and the situation may soon becomeCrazy. "

The latest round of talks of Ukraine has not obtained any breakthroughs

(Morning News) Russia pointed out that the country conducted the latest round of talks with Ukraine on Thursday (February 10) on the tension on border on Thursday (February 10)No new protocol has been reached.Russia also criticized Ukraine's positions.

Comprehensive media reports, Russia said that Kuzak held a talks in Berlin that Ukraine's future vision controlled by separatists was not clear.

The director of the Presidential Office of Ukraine also stated that after the talks of Berlin, the two countries' talks failed to sign a joint document after nearly nine hours and did not make breakthrough progress, but the two sides agreed to continue the talks.

The latest round of Ukraine was held under the mediation of France and Germany. The talks aims to let UNEs discuss how to end the conflict between eastern Ukraine.After Russia gathered more than 100,000 troops near the Ukraine border in recent weeks, the tension became more serious.

Ukrainian negotiating representatives Jemark said at the television briefing that the two sides may meet again and hope to make breakthroughs in exchanging prisoners and opening up the inspection station in eastern Ukraine.