The Burmese military promises to surrender power after re -election, and also claims to overthrow the Government of the Democratic League to meet the Constitution.Questions and refutation.In addition, after being accused of illegally importing intercom, Weng Shan Shuzhi was accused of violations of the National Disaster Administration Law, and the next court was approved on March 1.

(Yangon Composite Electric) does not believe that the Myanmar military will re -hold the election to return to the people.Block the streets and stop police cars and military trucks to the demonstration location to dispel the masses.

Under the military instructions, Myanmar Internet services have been suspended from 1 am to 9 am from 1 am to 9 am.After the recovery of the Internet service on Wednesday morning, the information of the public to participate in the "car anchor movement" quickly spread on social media, and soon began to emerge on the Internet to set up a car hood and pretend to be anchoring on the road.The demonstrators want to use the "anchor" cars to block the streets and stop police cars and military trucks to the demonstration location to dispel the masses.In addition to the Democratic Games and students participating in the demonstration yesterday, they also include performing arts stars.

The main demonstration venue in the city center of the commercial capital of Sule Pagoda, the 26 -year -old Delste driver Koye joined the demonstration and parked the car on the road.He said: "We want to restore the truth, and the truth is democracy and the release of Weng Shan Shuzhi and President Wen Min."

Weng Shan Shuzhi and Wen Min were detained in their respective homes. Weng Shan Shuzhi's lawyer revealed on Tuesday that after being accused of illegal importing intercom, Wengshan was also accused of violating the National Disaster Administration Law.March 1.

The military launched a coup on February 1 on the grounds of election fraud.A military government spokesman Zuo Minjin promised at a press conference on Tuesday that the military would handle power after re -election, but did not explain the timetable for holding the election.He also claimed that the overthrow of the Elected Democratic League government complied with the Constitution, saying that as many as 40 million people in the country supported the military's actions.

This speech was questioned and refuted by the demonstrators.The Democratic League Councilor Xitu said to the demonstrations at the rally venue of Sule Pagoda: "We gather here, to show the 40 million people we are not claiming."

A demonstrator who claims to be called Qin said: "They are all false, they say the election fraud, but see how many people gather here."

In addition to demonstrations in multiple towns, the people have also launched a "non -violent resistance strike movement" to show that they do not accept military coup and put pressure on the military through strikes.This movement has received response from many civil servants, and the operation of many government departments has been affected.

Democratic movement leader, Democratic Games, who had participated in the 1988 democratic movement, pointed out that this strike action played a key role this time.He said to the demonstration masses through the video recorded in advance: "They think that as long as they are arrested, (we) can do nothing, this approach can no longer work."

The actor who came to the demonstration of the demonstrations Keitu shouted, and the opposition waves could not be extinguished.He said to the demonstrations: "They said that we are like Lin Huo, and they will stop after a while, but will we really do this? No, as long as we have not succeeded, we will not stop." The United Kingdom and the United States call for the military to release Wengshan

The Burmese military seizure has attracted strong criticism from Western countries, and Weng Shan Shuzhi was charged with charges.The United States said it was deeply disturbed, and once again called on the Myanmar military to release Wengshan Shuzhi and other detained political leaders, journalists, and human rights active elements.British Prime Minister Johnson said that Weng Shan Shuzhi's allegations were fabricated and "obviously violated her human rights."He issued a post: "We stand on the same front as the people of Myanmar and will ensure that the people who launch a coup are held accountable."

The UN Burmese issue special reporter Andrews issued a statement on Tuesday calling on the Myanmar military not to use violence.He said: "I am worried that the possibility of greater violence in Myanmar on Wednesday is more violent than what the military has seen since the military's illegal acceptance of the regime on February 1." Andrews also said that he received a notice saying that there was a Burmese soldiers who had a Burmese soldier.From remote areas to Yangon.