Although the Chinese Navy has received two ships 618 and 619 last year, the two ship names have only been announced this year.On January 30 this year, the Chinese Navy officially held the Nanyang Ship Naming Ceremony at the Navy Base.This is also the first time that the Chinese Navy has been named Nanyang's main battleship for the first time since its establishment.

(Zhengzhou Comprehensive News) Two 056A light missile frigates named after Nanyang City and Shangqiu City, Henan, and Shangqiu, have officially entered the Chinese Navy frigates in the recent recently.

According to the WeChat public account "Henan Daily" reported the day before yesterday, the naming of the two warships of the last batch of the last batch of the Chinese Navy's 056A light frigate was finally announced.At the end of January and earlier this month, he officially arrived at a frigate detachment of the Chinese Navy.

Although the Chinese Navy has received two ships 618 and 619 last year, the two ship names have only been announced this year.

On January 30 this year, the Chinese Navy officially held the Nanyang Ship Naming Ceremony at the Navy Base.This is also the first time that the Chinese Navy has been named Nanyang's main battleship for the first time since its establishment.

According to reports, the 056A light -type missile frigate is an independent R & D, independent manufacturing, and a large number of near -sea offshore ships equipped with a large amount of equipment. The entire series is divided into two types of two types of types (056, 056A).Among them, the first ship of the 056 was launched in 2012 and served in March 2013. In December 2016, the Navy officially received the last 056 missile frigate "Ningde"; the first ship 056A was included in November 2014.There are 72 warships in the 056 and 056A series, which constitutes the main force of China's offshore defense.

Mainly used in offshore defense responsibility for daily patrol tasks

In contrast, Type 056 is mainly used for offshore defenses, responsible for daily patrol tasks, replaced the 053H fries series and Type 037 hunting submarine series ships. This type ship is built with 22 ships.

056A strengthened anti -submarine and lightning sweeping ability on the basis of the first type. The performance was better, and the number of construction was more, up to 50 ships.

With the official list of Nanyang and Shangqiu ships, coupled with the previously served No. 501 Xinyang Ship, No. 593 Sanmenxia Ship, and Pingdingshan Ship No. 612, there are five 056 series frigates named after Henan Province.

Regarding the navigation rules of the navy warships, China Military Network published his name in March last year. Your name is my name.Jointly implement various combat service.

In order to facilitate communication, command, and mobilization, each ship has its own port number and name since its birth, so the rules of naming the Chinese naval ships are generated.

On November 18, 1978, the Chinese Navy awarded the naval navigation regulations, specifically stipulated the rules of the Chinese naval warship naming in detail.The specific naming rules are: aircraft carriers, cruisers, naming administrative provinces (districts) or phrases (such as "Liaoning" and "Shandong"); destroyers and frigates are named after large and medium cities;Named.