The three informed Indian government officials revealed that India is preparing to approve some new investment proposals from China in the next few weeks. The relationship between the two neighbors has recovered as the border tension eases.

According to Reuters, one of the Indian officials said: "We will start to approve some new investment plans, but we will only deal with those industries that are not sensitive to national security."

Officials did not disclose the details of the plan to handle the proposal in the next few weeks.In view of the private discussion, the above -mentioned officials have not required them.

Indian Prime Minister's Office did not immediately reply to emails seeking to comment, and the Ministry of the Interior did not reply to email, telephone or message.

The above -mentioned officials said that after the first round of investment plans for approval, the government will also seek new investment in other existing projects that will not be risky for national security.The government is also considering allowing Chinese enterprises to make some investment in certain industries without government censorship without government censorship.

These officials say that the investment in the "non -sensitive" industry with the "non -sensitive" industry with Indian land borders may resume automatic approval channels.

Sino -Indian relations have previously become tense due to the conflict between border, and foreign investment regulations amended by the Indian government regulations will need to obtain government approval from entities from Indian land borders, which will significantly slow down investment from China.The changes in the rules have made more than 150 investment proposals worth more than $ 2 billion from China, which has damaged the plan of Chinese companies in India.The delayed proposal includes the Great Wall Motor acquisition of GM in the Indian factory.

Wu Qian, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said last week that according to the consensus reached by the ninth round of military talks between China and India, the first -tier troops of the Chinese and Indian armies of Hunan and North Shore began in sync on February 10th.Planning organization is out of contact.