(Morning News) The attending doctor of the US Congress Building said that the growth rate of the crown disease diagnosis of the Congress has never been seen before.1%soared to 13%.

Reuters reported that Monaiham, the attending doctor of the United States Congress, told Congress Member and employees in a letter on Monday (January 3) that the limited sample display obtained on December 15, 2021Most of the confirmed cases of Congress Mountain have been vaccinated, of which 61%of them were infected with the Omikon variants, and 38%infected the Delta variant strains.

The letter also stated that about 65%of the crown patients with Congress Mountain have symptoms, and other test results have no symptoms.

However, Monanham pointed out that the breakthrough infection in Capitol Hill did not lead to hospitalization, severe complications or death.He said the facts prove the importance of vaccination.

According to the statistics of Reuters, on the occasion of the surge in the confirmed cases of the US Congress, the number of new cases across the country has also doubled in the past seven days to reach an average of 418,000 per day.

The Senate was originally scheduled to return to Congress on Monday, but Blizzard forced the Congress's crown disease testing station to close early, so the Senate only held a brief meeting.

The attending doctors of Congress did not require changes to the existing regulations of wearing masks in the Congress, but it is suggested that parliamentarians and employees wear medical masks instead of ordinary cloth masks.