The White House press secretary issued a statement after the talks between the leaders of the two countries, saying that President Bayeng has clearly stated that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the United States and allies and partner countries will make a decisive response.

(Washington Composite Electric) On the occasion of Ukraine and Russian borders, the US President Biden Bayeng on Sunday and the Ukrainian President Zezelki on Sunday discussed Ukraine's security issues.Biden guarantees Ukraine on the phone that the United States will protect Ukraine's security.

The White House press secretary Pusky issued a statement after the talks between the leaders of the two countries saying: President Bayeng has clearly stated that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the United States and allies and partner countries will respond decisively.

Biden reiterated its complete commitment to Ukraine's territorial sovereignty, but Biden also stated that she supports the resolution of crisis through diplomatic efforts.

Both parties discuss the deterioration of European peace and joint operations

Zelei Poster said that he discussed the joint action to maintain European peace and prevent the situation from further upgrading, and expressed gratitude to Ukraine's strong support.

Zelei Sky described his first international dialogue with Bayon in the new year to prove that our relationship was special.

The United States still pays close attention to the movement of Russia.The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Herge, on Sunday, was interviewed by Columbia Broadcasting Corporation for a Face The National program that Russia would be invasion of Ukraine if there were no large -scale sanctions.

Hev said: I think our allies must take consistent actions firmly.Russia must know that we are united.

Higher warned that Russia's invasion may be counterproductive, prompting more countries to join NATO.If they invade, they will inevitably face strong scaredness, which will let NATO approach Russia instead of staying away.

Last week, I had a warning with Putin's conversation with Putin

Senior US officials scheduled for security talks with senior Russian officials in Geneva on the 9th and 10th of this month, and then Russia held talks with NATO and other European countries.

Russia has deployed about 100,000 troops on the adjacent Ukrainian border area, which pose a threat to Ukraine's security.

Bayeng warned with Russian President Putin last week that if Russia invades Ukraine, the United States will impose major sanctions on Russia.

Although Biden was warned to Russia at the time, it also called on Russia to relieve tension first before the US -Russian security talks.

Russia's attitude is still tough.Putin has warned Biden that if the United States and allies impose sanctions on Russia, they will break the relationship between each other. Once the United States and Russia tear their faces, they will even seriously damage the relationship between Russia and the West.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that if the West continues to be tough, Russia will be forced to take various necessary actions to ensure strategic balance and eliminate various threats to our national security.The Kremlin has emphasized that they require NATO to guarantee that any NATO's eastward operation must exclude Ukraine and other former Soviet countries.

Russia also demanded that NATO member states withdrew offensive weapons from the region, saying that it endangered Russia's security.