The New York Times reported that Bolton described in the manuscript of the new book that Trump told him last August that the frozen assistance to Ukraine was linked to the investigation requirements for the former vice president of the United States.This means that Bolton may be summoned to confess for impeachment of Trump's interrogation.

(New York Composite Television) The New York Times revealed that US President Trump himself in August last August to the then White House national security adviser Bolton stated that he would freeze military assistance against Ukraine until the Ukraine government took action to investigate his political opponent Bayeng's sonuntil.

This caused Republican senators to face the Democratic Party again, asking them to call them new witnesses including Bolton to provide proofs for the impeachment interrogation of the Senate.

The New York Times reported on Sunday evening that Bolton described a dialogue with Trump last August in an unpublished new book manuscript.Trump told him at the time that the frozen assistance to Ukraine was linked to the investigation requirements for the former vice president of the United States.

Bolton also wrote that senior cabinet officials including the Secretary of State Pompeo, the Minister of Justice Balta, and the White House Agency Chief of Staff Malvani all knew about Trump's request.

Lawyer Bolton confirmed that Pompeo and other White House officials knew about it

Bolton's lawyer Cooper indirectly confirmed that there was a matter in a statement.He said that he submitted Bolton's manuscript to the National Security Council for publication on December 30 last year for review. However, from the report from New Year, the review procedure obviously had loopholes, which led to the leakage of the information related to the manuscript.

Bolton's spokesman Tinsley also pointed out that Bolton's manuscript was only handed over to the National Security Council.However, she refused to comment on the accuracy of reporting in New Year.

Bolton was fired by Trump last September. This manuscript was his memoir during his tenure in the White House.

Trump refutes Bolton said that the other party is to sell new books

Trump refuted the above report on Monday.He wrote in Twitter: I have not told Bolton to assist Ukraine and investigations against Democrats, including Biden's father and son, about Hellip; Hellip; if John Middot; Bolton really said that it was just to sell new books.

One day before, Trump once again said that the impeachment case was a scam made by the Democratic Party, and referring to the price of the Democratic House Intelligence Committee of the Democratic House of the Democratic House of the Democratic House of Imperialism.

The Democratic Party is fighting for the Senate to summon four important witnesses including Bolton and Malvani to attend the impeachment trial, but most Republican senators are unwilling to summon new witnesses.However, several gentleman Republican senators have not yet made up their minds.

The Democratic Party leader of the Senate issued a tweet on Sunday, stating that Bolton had evidence and urged at least four Republican senators and Democrats to submit votes together to allow the new certificate to confess.

Bolton said earlier this month that if he received a subpoena from the Senate, he was willing to provide a certificate in the impeachment trial.

The White House lawyer continued to defend Trump in the impeachment trial on Monday, and the Senate may vote at a late this week to decide whether to summon more witnesses.